Stephen Mitchell's Auspicious book
The Second Book of The Tao
5:16 AM - 6/30/15
Integrity is our true nature;
arriving at integrity
is the work of a lifetime.
The person who has integrity
does the right thing without trying to,
understands the truth without thinking,
and naturally embodies the Tao.
Integrity is not only the fulfillment of our own being;
it is also the quality
through which all beings are fulfilled.
When we fulfill our own being,
we become truly human;
when we fulfill all being,
we arrive at true understanding.
Humanness and understanding
are inherent in our nature,
and by means of them
we unite the inner and the outer.
Thus, when we act with integrity
everything we do is right.
The Second Book of The Tao
Stephen Mitchell
Integrity is the bridge to the kingdom,
the kiss that wakes the dead princess,
the fingers that spin straw into gold.
When a person has integrity, she’s genuine;
you can always trust that her
yes is a yes and her no a no.
There’s no motive behind it,
no sweet sticky lure for approval.
We love integrity.
It feels like home.
It’s solid,
there’s no acting-out in it,
no backtracking,
no second-guessing.
When you act with integrity,
everything you do is right,
because there’s no separation
between doer and done.
you realize that you’re not doing it in the first place.
You have let go into the nameless,
and it’s not even you who have let go.
It’s not even you who have been let go of.
The Second Book of The Tao
Compiled and adapted
from the
Chuang-tze and the Chung Yung,
with commentaries
Stephen Mitchell
You have escaped from the city full of fear and trembling;
If the body’s image has gone, await the image-maker; if the
body is utterly ruined, become all soul.
If your face has become saffron pale through death, become a
dweller among tulip beds and Judas trees.
If the doors of repose have been barred to you, come, depart
by way of the roof and the ladder.
If you have been secluded from water and bread, like bread
become the food of the souls, and so become!