Womb Wisdom
Awakening the Creative and Forgotten Powers of the Feminine
Padma and Aniya Aon Prakasha
(For further Womb Wisdom information
See Read More at end)
The way of the feminine is to be in the body. Mater and matter are one.
Mater brings spirit into form. Matter IS spirit in form.
We are wired to embody anything in any moment
and for this to occur we must become transparent.
Feeling secure in who we think we are is NOT transparent.
Resistance is not transparency.
Resistance is non-gratitude for what is being offered for your evolution.
How fully do you give yourself?
Are you willing to surrender even your individual soul into divine will?
Even the soul is a bridge from ego to God.
p. 128-29
so that they can access All that Is.
Only when we hold nothing back does love take control as our guiding force,
so we are used by a force greater than ourselves.
When the divine is the active force,
there is no longer a hole that needs to be filled.
When we want or need nothing from the world,
our relationships can be based in truth
p. 129
or “Enlightenment is in the Womb”.
Buddha said that his Dharma would fade and die away
with the introduction of women to his teachings.
So why would he say that enlightenment lies in the yoni and womb of a woman?
p. 129
When both are in harmony,
the fluidity, harmony and balance
of opposing forces, of polarities,
creates life.
p. 129
then losing our identities in the yoni and womb,
literally being absorbed, nurtured, dissolved, and re-created from this immersion.
Our bodies are birthed from our human mother;
our souls are birthed from the divine or universal mother.
To return to this means we become reborn,
we become innocent,
as all our conditionings dissolve
and we are remade and reborn
through the cosmic womb of all creation
p. 129
As spirit grounds itself more within the body,
it promotes a deeper dissipation of negative thoughtforms and emotions,
which are taken into conscious awareness and released.
The challenges that one feels become internalized,
able to be seen for what they are, and healed.
One deepens into trust and feels secure in one’s own self.
One rises above the electromagnetic radiation
of the technospheric modern world
that limits, disconnects, and stifles one
from fully connecting into the womb.
p. 132-33
is not the eternal Tao
The name that can be named
is not the eternal Name.
The unnamable is the eternally real.
Naming is the origin
of all particular things.
Free from desire, you realize the mystery.
Caught in desire, you see only the manifestations.
Yet mystery and manifestations
arise from the same source.
This source is called darkness.
Darkness within darkness.
The gateway to all understanding.
The Tao Te Ching
Lao Tzu
translation by Stephen Mitchell
Awakening the Creative and Forgotten Powers of the Feminine
Padma and Aniya Aon Prakasha
http://wombwisdom.me/index.php?section=147 Note:
the use of the word "Womb" throughout these healings and modality
is not meant to be seen as only applying to women...
in it's purest form, the Womb refers to divine creativity,
and for men the term "Womb" can be interchanged with "Hara",
which is the belly or seat of transfiguring power, or center of being.