3:25 AM-9/23/20
To fear of death,
I eat the stars.
Those nights, lying on my back,
I suck them from the quenching dark
Til they are all, all inside me,
Pepper hot and sharp.
Into a universe still young,
Still warm as blood:
No outer space, just space,
The light of all the not yet stars
Drifting like a bright mist,
And all of us, and everything
Already there
But unconstrained by form.
To lie down here on earth
Beside our long ancestral bones:
To walk across the cobble fields
Of our discarded skulls,
Each like a treasure, like a chrysalis,
Thinking: whatever left these husks
Flew off on bright wings.
Rebecca Elson
From a Brain Pickings Post.
The Universe in Verse 2020 trailer: "Antidotes to Fear of Death" from Maria Popova on Vimeo.
In the midst of our present troubles
I remembered some unconventional advice
that Bernadette (Roberts) wrote me in a letter.
I was complaining to her about some suffering
I was going through at the time.
I should do what I could to get rid of it.
But she went on to say, if I can stay with it,
go all the way to the bottom,
to the very limit of my capacity for pain,
I would see that there, it turns into God.
between pain and suffering;
pain is part of life and cannot be avoided.
Suffering is what we add to the pain by resisting it -
and complaining about it.
I never found answers.
My mind only emptied.
All Photos for today's OceanSpeak
from: September 23, 2018
5. PRIMAL REPOSE WINGED BREATH ORIGINAL SILENCE " original immortals..." 9/23/18
CtrlClick above Title (or below) to open above OceanSpeak
In the beginning was the Quiescence.
It was a silence that stretched into eternity –
perfect and unbroken.
And so came the event itself –
the first moment of the universe was born as sound,
as light, as fire.
as the Big Bang occurred.
The silence was ruptured and a fracture appeared
as space and time were also born out of the first moment.
trying to fill it,
trying to repair the rent.
Ever since the first event life has continued
to try and fill the black hole
at the heart of the whole.
The hole we came in time to know as
‘the sacred wound’.
of this body in which we live.
It can sip the nectar of a star when it’s correctly attuned.
It can make sweet love to another person just from thinking about them.
It has so many jewels and treasures within it
that we couldn’t explore them all if we had aeons.
They’re the frontier,
not the final frontier,
they are the only frontier.
for love and Ecstasy.
- Excerpt from the 64 Ways