Along with every other strategem,
Finding them all, to my utter dismay…
Utterly useless.
Surrender just… came.
But rather... the fruition of Defeat,
A flowering, fierce and Absolute.
The death gasp of Hope and Faith.
I would have continued endlessly, struggling,
To create and sustain in Conditionality...
That which I longed to be without Condition.
I had remained… and remained...
Until the last vestiges of Hope and Faith,
Had fallen from me like ashes.
Where even demons will not go,
That… without Hope or Faith…
Longing remained.
Only now, there was no longer anywhere to go,
No longer anything to be done,
No longer anything to refrain from doing,
Exhausted, Fully and Completely.
Head and Heart...
Into the Wellspring of Longing,
There… in the Cave of The Heart.
Came to Longing’s Source…
In the Ocean of Pure Being, where…
Through Surrender's Unimaginable Grace…
Chuck Surface
See Read More
at end below right
Marion Woodman
see Read More
When that differentiation takes place and the rage is appropriately released,
the Goddess can turn her other face.
Then the soul can take up residence in its vastly enlarged home and go about its own creative life.
The density of matter is infiltrated by Light so that the individual, instead of lugging around a heap of dark flesh,
experiences both the calm, rich wisdom of the conscious ego in the conscious body and the authenticity of the transpersonal love that impregnates Being.
Redeemed matter is the container confident enough and flexible enough to magnify the creative imagination. -p70
from The Pregnant Virgin: A Process of Psychological Transformation. by Marion Woodman -
See more on this EXCELLENT website:
Chuck Surface:
Surrender... came.
It was not something "done",
Not a decision made,
Or a strategy employed,
To come to the Heart's Desire.
Not that I hadn't "tried" to Surrender,
Along with every other strategem,
Finding them all, to my utter dismay…
Utterly useless.
Surrender just… came.
Not as a hallmark of Victory,
But rather... the fruition of Defeat,
A flowering, fierce and Absolute.
The death gasp of Hope and Faith.
Had there been even a whisper of Hope remaining,
I would have continued endlessly, struggling,
To create and sustain in Conditionality...
That which I longed to be without Condition.
There, in that Desert of Defeat,
I had remained… and remained...
Until the last vestiges of Hope and Faith,
Had fallen from me like ashes.
What Wonder to discover there,
Where even demons will not go,
That… without Hope or Faith…
Longing remained.
Only now, there was no longer anywhere to go,
No longer anything to be done,
No longer anything to refrain from doing,
Exhausted, Fully and Completely.
And so… “i” fell…
Head and Heart...
Into the Wellspring of Longing,
There… in the Cave of The Heart.
And sinking ever more deeply,
Came to Longing’s Source…
In the Ocean of Pure Being, where…
Through Surrender's Unimaginable Grace…
“i” drowned... in the arms of The Beloved.
Chuck Surface