NEW Publication
(August 2016)
Godseed-The Alchemy of Primordial Memory
Dorothea M. Mills/elizabeth walker
available NOW
Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Balboa Press, & e -book
....subtitle, prologue, last two chapters, interior design all new
...and Loosing use of "only" the penname elizabeth walker
(August 2016)
Godseed-The Alchemy of Primordial Memory
Dorothea M. Mills/elizabeth walker
available NOW
Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Balboa Press, & e -book
....subtitle, prologue, last two chapters, interior design all new
...and Loosing use of "only" the penname elizabeth walker
Prologue to 2016 Edition of
GODSEED-The Alchemy of Primordial Memory
Dorothea M. Mills/elizabeth walker
Once upon a long time ago, when “The Call” came….. and after an entire year needlessly Confirming to myself this was for Real while closing down the glorious peak of my USA life in East Tennessee….
….I telephoned a very trusted Seer/Prophetess in Atlanta, Georgia, and asked what she could say to me about this gigantic move to a small out island in the Bahamas.
There was a long Pause….then her softened/hushed voice said slowly: “I cannot tell you much…except this:… you know you have lived inwardly and alone most of your life, but that has been nothing compared to the Aloneness that is ahead of you with this move.”
Those words have stayed with me nearly thirty years since that phone call……years of experiencing in flesh, and otherwise, all that I would never have chosen to experience…..Near Death Experience became a way of life….a form of safety. I was often homeless, physically ill and much more. ONLY my very soul in Grace, deep studies all of my life prior to 1987….and Understandings of Ancient Shamanic Initiations…provided practical ways to barely keep me surviving. There were also many angels in human form along the way….that synchronistically appeared at many “11th hours”.
We were brought thru “deaths” to Re-Births and Re-Emergences…only to repeatedly fall back into the destructive darkness again and again with all the drama that produced.
Today, we know to republish a sample of the unedited Writings from my very soul that helped to save the life during this Great Initiation….these writings would come without ANY conscious awareness on my part after I would weep, wail, grieve, yowl and holler with pain and dismay putting that into consciously written words, then would BE STILL to see what God, or that Great Inner Voice/Consciousness, would say to me. The words would flow thru the fingers WITHOUT “me” having ANY Sense of what was writing until our eyes opened and read the screen…or typewriter paper in the earlier days.
For many years, I told no one re: this type writing….hence the use of penname when GODSEED first published ©2004.
Those who have known me during these years and have been as angels (or otherwise!) know who you are and I am forever grateful for all.
And for anyone who wants a graphic description of the raw, “alone with The Alone” dance with darkness and surviving….. please read Paul Levy’s new book….all hats of honour and appreciation are off to Paul for writing so much honest and personal truth.
Awakened by Darkness
Paul Levy
GODSEED-The Alchemy of Primordial Memory
Dorothea M. Mills/elizabeth walker
Once upon a long time ago, when “The Call” came….. and after an entire year needlessly Confirming to myself this was for Real while closing down the glorious peak of my USA life in East Tennessee….
….I telephoned a very trusted Seer/Prophetess in Atlanta, Georgia, and asked what she could say to me about this gigantic move to a small out island in the Bahamas.
There was a long Pause….then her softened/hushed voice said slowly: “I cannot tell you much…except this:… you know you have lived inwardly and alone most of your life, but that has been nothing compared to the Aloneness that is ahead of you with this move.”
Those words have stayed with me nearly thirty years since that phone call……years of experiencing in flesh, and otherwise, all that I would never have chosen to experience…..Near Death Experience became a way of life….a form of safety. I was often homeless, physically ill and much more. ONLY my very soul in Grace, deep studies all of my life prior to 1987….and Understandings of Ancient Shamanic Initiations…provided practical ways to barely keep me surviving. There were also many angels in human form along the way….that synchronistically appeared at many “11th hours”.
We were brought thru “deaths” to Re-Births and Re-Emergences…only to repeatedly fall back into the destructive darkness again and again with all the drama that produced.
Today, we know to republish a sample of the unedited Writings from my very soul that helped to save the life during this Great Initiation….these writings would come without ANY conscious awareness on my part after I would weep, wail, grieve, yowl and holler with pain and dismay putting that into consciously written words, then would BE STILL to see what God, or that Great Inner Voice/Consciousness, would say to me. The words would flow thru the fingers WITHOUT “me” having ANY Sense of what was writing until our eyes opened and read the screen…or typewriter paper in the earlier days.
For many years, I told no one re: this type writing….hence the use of penname when GODSEED first published ©2004.
Those who have known me during these years and have been as angels (or otherwise!) know who you are and I am forever grateful for all.
And for anyone who wants a graphic description of the raw, “alone with The Alone” dance with darkness and surviving….. please read Paul Levy’s new book….all hats of honour and appreciation are off to Paul for writing so much honest and personal truth.
Awakened by Darkness
Paul Levy
Below is Original Publication of GODSEED....using ONLY a penname...
.several additions of newer writing in the 2016 Edition
.several additions of newer writing in the 2016 Edition