2:15 AM-12/30/18
*Bernadette Roberts – See OceanSpeak Category
(**excellent synopsis of Bernadette Roberts’ experience)
…the emptiness expanded rapidly
and every sense of
life became drained from her.
The realization that came was:
"When there is no personal self,
there is also no personal God.
walking downhill with a panorama of valley and hills before me,
I turned my gaze inward,
and what I saw, stopped me in my tracks.
Instead of the usual unlocalized centre of myself,
there was nothing there, it was empty,
and at the moment of seeing this
there was a flood of quiet joy and I knew,
finally I knew what was missing-
it was my "self".
-- Bernadette Roberts
where the self is so completely aligned with the still-point
that it can no longer be moved,
even in its first movements, from this center.
It can no longer be tested by any force or trial,
nor moved by the winds of change,
and at this point the self has obviously outworn its function;
it is no longer needed or useful,
and life can go on without it.
-- Bernadette Roberts
is absolute, total silence;
there is not a single word in existence
that can convey this communication.
-- Bernadette Roberts
the will is not primarily the faculty of desire for anything known,
but rather, the desire for something unknown,
animate desire for something that lies beyond ourselves,
a longing for something we know is missing in us...”
-- Bernadette Roberts
we must put an end to the very need to be forgiven.
-- Bernadette Roberts
there is no longer an eye.
So the storms, crises and sufferings of life
are a way of finding the eye.
-- Bernadette Roberts
is characterized by the falling away of self
and coming upon "that" which remains when it is gone.
But this going-out is an upheaval,
a complete turnabout of such proportions
it cannot possibly be missed,
under-emphasized, or sufficiently stressed
as a major landmark in the contemplative life.
-- Bernadette Roberts
with the still-point that it can no longer be moved,
even in its first movements, from this center.
It can no longer be tested by any force or trial,
nor moved by the winds of change,
and at this point the self has obviously outworn its function;
it is no longer needed or useful,
and life can go on without it.”
-- Bernadette Roberts
in the love that flows between the persons of the Trinity,
but even here, God is seen as the object of his own love.
It is yet another step to realize
that God is beyond all subject and object
and is Himself love without subject or object.
This is the step beyond our highest experiences of love and union,
a step in which self is not around to divide, separate,
objectify or claim anything for itself.
Self does not know God; it cannot love him,
and from the beginning has never done so.
-- Bernadette Roberts
and for this love to be fully realized self must step aside.
And not only do we not need a self to love God,
but for the same reason we do not need a mind to know him,
for that in us which knows God,
is God.
-- Bernadette Roberts
is absolute, total silence;
there is not a single word in existence
that can convey this communication.
-- Bernadette Roberts
.....just "have" to share most all of the photos below......
I don't want to get back up and these days I must.
So, keeping busy keeps my energy on an even keel.
I start "early" and I crash "early" ~
early compared to others in my orbit.
to begin a new journal with the motto, "I Am Love".
My intention is to come back to a neutral position
anytime I feel my emotions are coloring my perceptions.
or make things better for anyone.
Just notice what I am receiving from the universe
and allow that phrase to continue to refine my vibration.
miriam harmony
12/17/18 early morning
What way do I have of knowing that if I say
I know something I don't really know it?
Or what way do I have of knowing that if I say I don't know something
I don't really in fact know it?
and I want you to listen to them recklessly.
How will that be?
–Chuang Tzu
From within, I couldn't decide what to do.
Unable to see, I heard my name being called.
Then I walked outside.
Don't go back to sleep.
Don't go back to sleep.
where the two worlds touch.
The door is round and open.
Don't go back to sleep.
give yourself up without regret,
and in exchange
gain the Ocean.
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