3:33 AM-9/15/18
My heart, sit only with those
who know and understand you.
Sit only under a tree
that is full of blossoms.
not every sea is full of pearls.
My heart, sing the song of longing
like nightingale.
then one by one
let go of all distractions.
Embrace the light and let it guide you
beyond the winds of desire.
There you will find a spring and
be nourished by its sweet waters...
When the chatter of our mind quiets down,
we find the still point
around which all of life revolves.
From this still point we watch everything
come and go in perfect peace.
has a common source from which it comes,
in which it lives,
and to which it returns.
we return to our source and our confusion ends.
Not understanding this, we remain confused
and bring about great suffering.
Open to all of life, we don’t judge anything.
Not judging, we see with compassion.
Seeing with compassion,
we discover our true nature.
Open to all of life, we don’t judge anything.
Not judging, we see with compassion.
Seeing with compassion,
we discover our true nature.
we are at home
and nothing in life disturbs us.
William Martin
🎹-Tap Keys for William Martins's Website
Excellent Link for Daily TAO..several authors
Make friends with those who are on the path
at least as much as you are.
If they do not take you forward,
at least they do not become a reason to move you backward on your quest.
If this is not possible,
just walk alone.
The companionship of fools is not good.
Remember one thing,
you have come alone in this world
and will leave this world alone.
The togetherness ideal
is just a way to make you feel better.
In the company of a person
who has gone deeper into themselves,
you will feel their company as well as solitude.
Crowds are formed by people
who are focused on the external.
It’s a miracle to see that there are no crowds
to be seen when you are with people
who are focused in and within themselves.
it is not that there are ten internally focused individuals sitting.
It is each individual sitting by themselves,
thereby not forming a crowd.
Internally focused people don’t make bridges to the outside.
If there are ten externally focused people sitting,
there not a crowd of ten people
– it is a crowd of ten thousand.
with the other ten and so on.
Thousands of relationships are been forged.
Even if internally focused people are together,
they leave each other alone.
The best company is offered from people
who allow you to be alone
even while you are with them.
The people worth developing company with
are people who let your solitude retain its purity.
Reflection can only happen in solitude.
of your solitude
maintains its pristine state.
Your aloneness, your silence remains untouched and pure.
They respect your boundaries
and do not become a reason
for disturbing your solitude.
one which does not invade your space.
When you call them,
they come near to you.
Only as near as you call them
and no more.
They leave you alone
when you want to go inside of yourself.