3:47 AM - 12/31/15
dark in itself,
making everything shine.
Unperceived, it causes perception.
Unfelt, it causes feeling.
Unthinkable, it causes thought.
Non-being, it gives birth to being.
It is the immovable background of motion.
Once you are there, you are at home everywhere.
- Nisargadatta Maharaj
Beloveds, may you never, ever, leave home
no matter how far and wide you travel
.– miriam louisa like a vista of blooms....
Absolute emptiness.
When time stands still.
While even breath ceases.
What if I could stay?
Here, I would recognize that there is a point at which,
even with the wholeness of a body,
I can permeate solitude (the communion in space),
darkness (the offering of the light),
the measure of time (the proclamation of the creative word).
Thus Novalis says,
"I am you."
~Cheryl Sanders-Sardello
in our space
We feel an intimacy with the world, as if we are within everything around us rather than behind or alongside things that we are then looking at.
This mantle of touch brings us to the living truth of our being.
We know who we are in a completely non-self conscious way.
We feel how we, in our individuality,
are part of a vast and mysterious world process.
to the point that we are consciously within it
rather than imagining that it is in us,
we cannot be other than we are.
The imagination of being within us
emanates from the loss of the touch of Silence,
for without sensing this intimate touch
we too easily think we are whatever we want to be
or others want us to be.
constantly conveying to us in a bodily way
that our individual and unique presence
as soul, spirit, and body intermingles with the world and,
at the same time,
lives a free and independent existence.
~Robert Sardello
and the beauty of my
own emptiness
filled me until dawn.