2:09 AM-1/29/20
to seek other states,
other lives,
other souls.
~Anais Nin
What we call emptiness and nothingness
is merely a relative notion or experience,
like moving from the positive to the negative
before both eventually fall away
and all that remains is what Is.
if there is any aspect of this journey
I would stress or emphasize,
it is the evident necessity of finally coming to terms
with the nothingness and emptiness of existence,
which, for me,
seemed to be the equivalent
of living out my life without God –
or any such substitute.
only when the acclimation
to a life without an ultimate reality
was complete,
when there was no hope,
no trust remaining,
only when I have finally to accept what is,
did I suddenly realize that what is,
is Truth itself and all that Is.
it was only when every single,
subtle, experience and idea
– conscious and unconscious –
has come to an end, a complete end,
that it is possible for the
Truth to reveal Itself.
Bernadette Roberts
The Experience of No-Self
will never be finally stilled
by any person, project, or place.
This is what constantly qualifies and enlarges
our circles of belonging.
There is a constant and vital tension
between longing and belonging.
our longings would lack direction, focus, and context;
they would be aimless and haunted,
constantly tugging the heart
in a myriad of opposing directions.
our longing would be demented.
so does belonging shelter longing.
Belonging without longing
would be empty and dead,
a cold frame around emptiness.
John O'Donohue
Excerpt from this EXCELLENT writing:
is the river
is the loon's throat.
Have you ever asked yourself how
the loon's voice
Even if the blue place you are dreaming
is no longer there
you must begin.
Something that desires to lift
these heavy bones
something simple
and beautiful
miraculous as a feather
forms along the blade
of each wing.
you wait as every part of you sheds
what once was,
and is no longer
And what will it cost you?
haunting and wild, now
still in your throat, now
Set it free
whatever it may cost you
set it free.
~Cheryl Hellner

move with reckless abandon!
Last photo above is from five years ago....January 29, 2015
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Womb Wisdom - Primordial Silence