5:07 AM-11/29/19
*1st read/lived years ago...
...this book and quotes below
put words to the state of consciousness
at planet entry and from then on…
(except for periods of time where we “forgot”)
The Thunder of Silence
Joel Goldsmith
pp 91-98
See Read More below Afternoon Photos
all Goldsmith quotes today
“I accept God alone as constituting
the very substance of all life.
I cannot be made to accept either good or evil
because there is only Spirit;
there is only one life.”
p. 92
It can take place only when you have stopped thinking
of the person and the disease and the condition
and the belief and the claim
and have returned to Eden
where there is only God, Spirit---
wholeness and completeness.
Nobody can ever be a spiritual healer who works form the standpoint of effect or who prays from the standpoint of trying to correct something in the Adam-world because,
if he succeeded,
he would but have exchanged an unpleasant dream
for a pleasant one.
If he succeeded in improving the human picture,
he would only have good materiality
instead of bead materiality.
He would be no nearer the kingdom of God.
p. 92
when he lay in an oxygen tent and,
according to the physicians in attendance,
was on his deathbed.
I stood there with no words of wisdom
that could change this appearance into health;
I stood there just as anyone would stand
in front of his own father in such a situation--
but with this difference:
I knew that if God uttered His voice,
the earth would melt.
Standing there, watching my father breathing
through that apparatus, the words came,
“Man does not live by breath alone.”
In less than five minutes,
he signaled for the nurse to take the instrument away,
and two days later he was out of the hospital.
p. 93
God did not; God merely said,
“Man shall not live by breath alone,”
thus dissipating the belief that man lives by breath,
and proving that he lives by the word of God.
p. 93
can you be in difficulty.
You are free
as soon as you begin to look upon all conditions
with a
“Who told you, you are naked?
Who told you, you are evil?
Who told you this is sin?
Who told you this is disease?
Who told you this is dangerous?
Where did it come from?
Did God ever say that to anyone?”
p. 93
that your function as a spiritual healer
is not to remove or heal disease
or believe that God heals disease
or that there are some formulas or affirmations
that will remove disease,
but that your function is to know the truth
that this whole mortal creation is made up
of the belief in good and evil,
you will know neither health nor disease,
poverty nor wealth,
but only a continuous outpouring of spiritual harmony---
the Garden of Eden.
we not only do not know disease,
but we do not know health--
we only know that we are
harmonious, normal, and free.
we have accepted a belief that is not part of us,
a belief that there are two powers--
a God-power that can do something for us
and is not doing it,
and a power of evil that is very much in operation.
God-power is already doing all that it can do,
and it is operating in the Edenic state of consciousness
for all spiritual creation,
but it cannot operate in the world of two powers.
as we or our neighbors may be,
we and they come under sin, death, accident, and wars.
But over and over again the question is asked,
“How can such things be if there is a God?”
And the answer is a startling one:
There is a God, but there is no God in the human scene; there is no God in the second chapter of Genesis:
There is only a Lord God which is the law
of cause and effect—karmic law.
When we rise above the law of cause and effect,
we are no longer under the law, but under Grace,
or in other words we are living
in the first chapter of Genesis
where no such thing
as human good or human evil exists.
There is no sin, and there is no purity:
p. 95
we never use the word you in a treatment;
we never use the name of the patient
nor do we take the name of the disease, complaint,
or condition into the treatment,
nor do we let the person enter our thought
after he has asked for help.
Even though we are still in the mental realm
when we contemplate,
it is not about the patient:
It is about God and the things of God that we know,
or the laws of God that we understand
or have read about and are now trying to realize.
because we cannot bring forth the son of God from the second chapter of Genesis,
out of which comes only Adam,
the man of flesh.
The only way that this man of flesh can be restored to Eden and to his normal spiritual harmony
is not by thinking thoughts about him,
but by entering into a state of Silence
which recognizes neither good nor evil.
we have no desire for good
any more than we have a desire for evil,
and then we are pure enough
to be in the Garden of Eden which is desireless.
It is not a state of desiring good,
but a contentedness with being.
p. 98
Chapter VIII
(Free From Good & Evil)
The Thunder of Silence
Joel Goldsmith
all Goldsmith quotes shared today