A Language Known in the cradle and never not Known.
The most Effortless Ease…
A Beyond Belief Effortless Ease
4:26 AM
They woke up, they ate, they worked, they made love, they raised their families, all the while unseduced by any thoughts that arose.
This gave their lives a sense of spaciousness.
They always had enough time to do what wanted to be done.
They moved through each day as alert and unhurried as animals in the wild.
How could they forget their beginning?
That’s where they were constantly centered, in the moment before a thought.
They had returned to the primordial: mind hovering over its own abyss, objectless, serene.
No wonder their nights were dreamless and their skies full of stars.
Gratitude makes no distinctions.
It precedes its occasion.
It is the magic well that never runs dry,
the still waters where you kneel and see your own face,
more beautiful than you could have imagined.”
TAO #15
Commentary by Stephen Mitchell
The Second Book of the TAO
Stephen Mitchell