3:52 AM - 12/21/15
The trees sway.
Prior to the breeze,
All is stillness.
The mind is a breeze;
Follow it back to its source and
Become still.
Wu Hsin
Control life is relinquished
Forcing ceases and
The natural flow returns,
Like melting snow from
A mountaintop.
Wu Hsin
Not necessary.
Stabilize there, then
Strip away everything that is
Not necessary.
Wu Hsin
Everything after this point of birth celebrates
the enlightened master you already are –
-- in whatever form you seem to appear.
This is the simplicity and immaculate glory of self-realization.
Matt Kahn
not through the slightest partition
shut out from the law of the stars.
The inner -- what is it?
if not the intensified sky,
hurled through with birds and deep
with the winds of homecoming.
–Rainer Maria Rilke
Stephen Mitchell version
....Ocean Roar so loud and tide sounds very high....
i had to go back to beach to have a look....and also to see the Solstice moon
See Read More below....in Honour of today's Synchronistic events.......
(the large butterfly shell in front of "Sanctarii" at sunrise.
...and the Glory of Whooshing Yoga with friends
Jan and Richard on their deck)
.....we have described the shell Finding "me" and then all photos in order taken of sunrise and Whooshing Yoga.
a "just arrived" newsletter that describes what "already Is"
(and Really has been)
since before forever
2016 – Introducing Your Universal Being
Posted: 21 Dec 2015 07:10 AM PST
At this point i realize i am up very close to the house...in the loose sand...rare for me to walk up that far....from tide waters lapping the sand...at this time in the mornings.....
i had a rather subtle-sudden Sense of being Invisible and without feet on the sand......and in the next instant.....
without ANY thought or volition on my part, my eyes are drawn down to the loose sand and it is then the largest butterfly shell is seen.....the photos are all below.
NEVER is a shell and especially a butterfly shell found in the loose sand this far from the ocean tides and water.
This shell remained the ONLY shell/coral or piece of shell/coral that we found the entire sunrise stroll.
More than we can say here and now....
....this was and is and always will be....
a MOST AUSPICIOUS moment in this lifetime...
......the Multidimensional Symbolism, Experience...and the Timing of this is Extraordinary & Significant.
First photo of shell in in first slideshow below #11
Reminder...all photos are below and in order taken ....
2016 – Introducing Your Universal Being
Posted: 21 Dec 2015 07:10 AM PST
Dear Ones,
You set your intent for your earth segments over and over. You have hoped and dreamed. Now it is time to let those pieces settle for you have done all you can to set your earth dream in motion.
Once you have completed your earth dream, which will occur within the next few weeks or days, you will hunger for the next step. So it is we are outlining what that step is projected to be.
Some of you already channel, have a healing touch, write automatically, visualize, sense or otherwise connect with our beings and others in the Universes who wish to help you with this amazing transition.
You will all begin noting new skills or interests that were perhaps always part of your being but pushed to the side as unrealistic or not that important. For you are shifting out of your earth being into a being of the Universes.
Even though you have always been of the Universes, you negated special or interesting Universal skills in hopes of better fitting into the heaviness of 3D earth. Now that you have added segments more interested in Universal themes,
you are ready to fly so to speak.
Some of you will feel the need to examine a particular Universal piece, but you will not be able to. Such is so because you closed that piece off so completely. Even though you inner-being screams to examine that piece more fully as an earth/Universal being, your earth being remains frightened by the thought.
So it is you will discover pieces of yourself that have been hidden for eons. At first, those pieces might frighten you with thoughts of, “This is TOO weird” or “I can’t do this” or “How will I ever dare tell anyone what I’m doing?”
You have waited for this time for eons, yet your earth being will attempt to alter, slow down or even stop the process.
For once you are of the ethers anything goes.
Now that your base, if you will, is of earth, those pieces you honed for eons to be comfortable while of earth will come to the forefront.
Will you again be in a clearing mode? Most definitely – unless you can completely accept your new Universal being.
Allow yourself to explore, to have fun with your new skills. You do not have to tell anyone what you are doing. Or, you can tell the world. It does not matter. For indeed, just as was true for you the past few years or decades, you will move forward like salmon swimming upstream despite obstacles.
Those obstacles can be easily circumvented by merely allowing yourself to be interested and follow through with any and all pieces no matter how silly or frivolous they seem.
For you will have created your earth dream by the time you initiate this Universal phase.
Perhaps you can imagine yourself as a unique Rockstar like Mick Jagger – or Steve Jobs, the computer guru. Both unique personalities with interests that seemed counter-intuitive, anti-social and everything that was not as it should be in a 3D human. Yet they persevered far beyond anything they imagined.
The same is true for you.
Once you create your earth dream, your earth stability piece for you and those observing you, you have the freedom to be an angel/god/goddess of earth as you rev up your Universal engines and allow yourself to explore that which interests you no matter how silly, trivial or uninteresting to others.
For you have opened your Universal pack, if you will,
allowing you to fully fly into the Universes in whatever form,
knowing that your earth being is stable enough to provide nurturing and shelter when you feel the need for either or both.
Giving you the freedom to fly with arms outspread in joy.
Imagine your earth creation as your diving boat that allows you to dive deep within the oceans, knowing that you can return to your boat whenever you wish and yet have the freedom to fully explore to your heart’s content.
So it is you have or will create your earth security (diving boat) and then you will begin initiating those Universal pieces that call to you.
There is no right way to move from earth security to Universal being other than that which is right for you – when it is right for you.
2016 is the beginning of your Universal being.
All of your clearings to this point have been to create your earth security so you are able to float in the ethers in whatever manner feels most loving,
joyful and comfortable for you.
As you enter your Universal being, you will become more and more unique – incorporating those pieces into your being in the manner that is most right for you.
There will be fewer parameters/guidelines for right or wrong
as you move into your being.
For you are indeed bringing heaven to earth through you and by you.
What you label heaven or the ethers is so enormous that no book, no computer program could list all the possible variations.
So it is that you will hone one or more of those variations – as will all who wish to transition. And those variations will create a wondrous, Universal tapestry of diversity, excitement, color, sound and joy.
So be it. Amen.
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