3:32 AM-6/27/19
Chapter 40
(See Note Below)
-pass a ray of white light through it
and immediately it is divided into even colors.
Pass anything through the mind and it becomes dual.
LIfe and death are not life-and-death, the reality is lifedeath.
It should be one word, not two, not even a hyphen in between.
LIfedeath is one phenomenon.
Lovehate is one phenomenon.
Darknesslight is one phenomenon.
Negativepositive is one phenomenon.
But when you pass this one phenomenon through the mind,
the one is divided immediately in two.
Lifedeath becomes life and death --
not only divided but death becomes antagonistic to life.
They are enemies.
Now you can go on trying to make these two meet,
and they will never meet.
Excerpt from
Chapter 40
The goal of the work we do through our thoughts
as we watch the morning sun rise and concentrate upon it,
is to establish contact with our higher self.
And here is a method that will help you.
imagine that you are already up there, in it,
looking down upon yourself from above.
you still feel very small, very limited;
but from the moment that you are
also up above in the sun,
you build a bridge between yourself
and your sublime self via thought.
your consciousness broadens,
you develop new faculties,
and you are able to receive its revelations.
Omraam Mikhael Aivanho
....here's a link when searching for SUN (also LIGHT) on his website..
.....& many other subjects
there is no time and space for you.
Time and space are consequences of the mind.
- Chuck Surface
There is a... a Space, Within,
A Place at the Very Heart of my Being,
Where Nothing exists, but Existence.
But although unseen, ungraspable, "There",
It is Palpable, Visceral, Experienced "Here".
"There", yet closer than the jugular, "Here",
The Essence we Are, before "we" are...
The "Am" before "I Am".
And become, thus, yet another theologian,
Preaching the "Truth" of all things.
Even if only as the Softest Ambience,
That Imbues, Surrounds, Enfolds in Love?
I am not in accordance with those,
who pronounce this Essence transcendent,
Beyond all qualities and attributes.
An Attribute like non other was Revealed,
"There", at the End of all things...
Where Beginning and End do not exist.
Beyond all dualities, without opposite,
"There", in the Heaven of Nonexistent Existence...
Where Heaven and Hell do not exist.
When "I" and Creation returned from "There",
So that "I" was never quite "myself" again...
Where self in form and formless Soul coexist.
Moving in space and time, but... not,
Being both "Here" and "There"...
Where Space, Time do not exist.
But accompanied, through that Imperfection
By that Rapturous Perfection, Shining...
Where Perfect and Imperfect do not exist.
Chuck Surface
In the Garden of The Beloved
June 16 at 9:20 PM
man begins to read every leaf of the tree
as a page of the sacred Book.
Hazrat Inayat Khan
BOWL OF SAKIhttps://wahiduddin.net/
we are given the vision of Wyrd,
the whole world as one interconnected web.
Wyrd is a luminous field of energy
that vibrates in constant communication
among all beings here.
We each have our unique thread in this vast tapestry
that we call our world.
Becoming conscious of ourselves as a thread in the Wyrd
we are initiated into a grand collaboration,
it revives a bone deep sense of meaning in our lives,
right here, right now.
~Chameli Ardagh