Ancient/Embryonic Recognition
I react with fear, anger, and confusion.
When I am more balanced
I react with awareness and effectiveness.
When I am completely balanced in my soul,
I am not aware of acting at all.
I am dancing with the Tao.
The Sage's Tao Te Ching: Ancient Advice for the Second Half of Life
William Martin
We are in trouble just now because we do not have a good one.
Thomas Berry
(see Read More below)
As Thomas Berry suggests, the task of our time is to discover and to inhabit new story from the personal to the planetary level. A new story is waiting to be born, but has not yet emerged. We live in a time between stories.
In this retreat we explore this in-between realm--letting go of old story,
abiding in the unknowing,
searching for hints and glimpses of the emerging new story, and committing to live it. We cultivate a new story for ourselves as individuals and as a planet, exploring new messages that are germinating deep in our individual and collective consciousness. We wander on the land by ourselves to listen to the stories that mountain and river, that hawk and snake, and that ancient rocks and trees tell us, these guardians and guides to the wildness and the imagination of the earth. We gather to listen to what we're learning, and for movement and ceremony.
Jim Hall, longtime member of Rolling Ridge Study Retreat, lives at the Dayspring Retreat Center in suburban Washington, DC, where for the past 25 years he has been leading retreats, classes and outings on the land linking faith and ecology, and exploring ways of living more simply, justly and in harmony with the Earth.
Julie Gabrielli explores ways to experience belonging and cultivate joy, creativity, and reverence. She designs buildings and places that marry the best of new and old traditions, and works with other media, including fiction and film, to listen for and tell the new stories that are emerging in our culture.
Further contact details and Nurturing Website