5:23 AM-5/16/20
This is the beginning of a great dismantling.
Obsolete consciousness is being dissolved.
Duality is deliberately cancelling itself out.
All of creation is being cleared to create a new vessel.
The new world template is now being envisioned in spirit.
This is a cosmic transfiguration process.
All will experience this time in various stages.
Aluna Joy Yaxkin
May 4, 2020
See Read More Below Afternoon Photos
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May 3 at 5:34 PM
However saddened I may become,
At the suffering inherent in this life,
The joy, inherent, is there, as well,
For both exist At Once in this Madness,
Known to those who Love.
Whether we sob, collapsed in sorrow,
Or laugh, dancing in the arms of joy,
Something that is back, behind, before,
The dualities of joy and sorrow.
By the ever-vacillating experience,
Of polarities, and all that lies between,
Something that does not end them,
But strangely, Accompanies them.
But an Ecstasy without opposite,
That Shines at the Heart of Being,
Even as within the peripheral sky,
Opposites come, go, ebb, and flow.
Is it the Soul, as some would assert,
Or the Presence of God, within us,
Or any number of things declared,
By the many faiths as “Truth”?
But know that those are only the words,
Of a Foolish old man, struggling to say,
As Attar said much better , long ago,
“I am in Love, but with Whom...
I do not know.”
Chuck Surface
THE SILENCE BEFORE SOUND ‘become’ healing presence… "...primal act of divine instinct." May 16, 2018CtrlClick above link (or below) to open above OceanSpeak
I have brought back a good message from the land of 102 degrees:
God exists.
I had seriously doubted it before;
but the bedposts spoke of it with utmost confidence,
the threads in my blanket took it for granted,
the tree outside the window dismissed all complaints,
and I have not slept so justly for years.
It is hard, now, to convey
how emblematically appearances sat
upon the membranes of my consciousness;
but it is truth long known
that some secrets are hidden from health.
John Updike
From Collected Poems 1953-1993
This is the beginning of a great dismantling.
Obsolete consciousness is being dissolved.
Duality is deliberately cancelling itself out.
All of creation is being cleared to create a new vessel.
The new world template is now being envisioned in spirit.
This is a cosmic transfiguration process.
All will experience this time in various stages.
Aluna Joy Yaxkin
See Read More Below for full Sharing
Entire Aluna Joy Yaxkin Sharing
May 4 at 3:37 PM · Many years ago, the Star Elders said that when the shift of the ages arrived it would come as a huge surprise. Well... we could not have seen this time coming. With the element of surprise, we cannot prepare nor can we armor against it. Any unexpected event has a greater capacity to shift the mass consciousness of humanity than something that could be prepared for.
This is what they share today... much of this came a piece at at time, or one line at a time. Then before posting this ... I ran it all by them again for fine tuning. This is how they wanted it read the best way we could within the limitation of the English language.
This unexpected time is the dawning.
This is the beginning of a great dismantling.
Obsolete consciousness is being dissolved.
Duality is deliberately cancelling itself out.
All of creation is being cleared to create a new vessel.
The new world template is now being envisioned in spirit.
This is a cosmic transfiguration process.
All will experience this time in various stages.
First denial, shock, fear, depression, confusion, numbness, anger, and righteous rebellion.
Then all will move into deep rest, and the birth of new coherence.
No life form can be placed under extreme levels of continuous,
compressed evolution without cracking open
and awakening to the new, unexpected reality.
No life form can be placed under the sustained alchemical heat
of deep unknowing without cracking open
to awaken to a new truth and evolved laws of nature.
This is a collective dark night of the soul for human kind.
There will be no immunity or inoculation or way to avoid this.
Expect nothing to feel solid, and nothing will feel stable under foot.
The only constant will be centered in your internal orientation point.
This will guide you to safely navigate this dissolving paradigm.
All will be placed in a great cleansing void.
You will not know where truth is during this metamorphosis.
All the sides that are dissolving are distorted or contaminated.
Most will question everything and understand very little.
Many will see from many perspectives yet still feel blind.
Most will question if they will lose everything they know.
You will think there is no end to the world confusion and the madness.
But all these things will end, and will begin anew.
This is a space where everything will change.
What will the next cycle of your embodiment BE?
What will you accept in this new world?
What will you reject and disallow in your future?
This is a great awakening ... and it is finally here.
... and YOU are the master of your reality.
What will you empower to manifest?
Aluna Joy Yaxkin
May 4 at 3:37 PM ·
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