Of one's own awareness,
Like a fish becoming aware of the water that sustains its life."
Jim Mannino
Jim Mannino
There is a point where one becomes aware,
Of one's own awareness,
Like a fish becoming aware of the water that sustains its life.
Before this shift, glimpses can be had, but only fleeting.
The touch of joy, the touch of awareness, the touch of Bliss.
But once this immersion has occurred, what then?
The fleeting glimpses become more frequent – inescapable.
And why would you want to escape
This Bliss of Being, of simply… Existing?
The water flows, pulling this way and that.
Distractions happen.
But this Bliss remains,
Untouched, Unmoved, Impenetrable.
That which has become effortlessly ever-present, just… Is.
Once this is so,
Nothing else holds much importance for Attention.
There are things to be taken care of.
What goes up, still comes down.
What comes in, goes out.
But the Blissful Radiance of the Heart remains.
How does this happen?
How do you turn off distractions?
How do you become immersed?
But the desire of the Heart is the start,
Resting in that Longing.
And paying attention to the glimpses begins the immersion,
Much like the metaphor of the salt doll,
Immersed, dissolving into the Ocean.
The change can be slow,
Imperceptible at first,
But in time the doll is dissolved,
Into the timeless, spaceless expanse,
Of the Ocean from which it came.