3:45 AM-12/19/17
Many moons ago, we dug deeply for TAO breathing
and found this clearly worded site above.
Realized at that time, this is what we already Are/Knew/Know
since before mind’s memory.
All quotes below in this font are from the link above.
Breath is a reminder that life is not a possession.
We allow nature as air into the body;
we let it go.
Breathing teaches us to surrender
to the wisdom of the Tao
as manifest in our body's natural rhythms.
neither open nor close.
It is so ultra-slow and soft
that if a down feather
were held in front of the nostrils,
it wouldn't move.
as though the breath is your entire world.
The belly is pleasantly warm.
You are like a mother nurturing her womb
with caring, compassionate awareness.
You are breathing like a baby in the womb of creation.
so light, so receptive,
that every cell is breathing
(which, scientifically speaking, is true).
With each gentle inhalation,
your whole body is refreshed.
Fresh qi goes to the skin,
the muscles and tendons,
the nerves, the internal organs,
the joints, the bones.
And with every effortless exhalation,
every tissue and cell lets go
of what it no longer needs.
and every part of your body
is a sail that can respond to it.
Can you breathe with your feet,
with your ears,
your fingers,
the crown of your head?
Yielding is the way of the Tao.
All things are born of being.
Being is born of non-being.
TAO Te Ching #40
Stephen Mitchell Translation
silently await God's blessing.
Bowl of Saki, December 18
Hazrat Inayat Khan
Commentary by Pir-o-Murshid Inayat Khan:
if a seer happens to be in the mountains he will hear the mountains cry continually,
'We are waiting for that day when something in us will awaken. There will come a day of awakening, of unfoldment.
We are silently awaiting it.'
If he went into the forest and saw the trees standing there they would tell him that they too were waiting patiently.
One can feel it.
The more one sits there the more one feels that the trees are waiting for the time when there will be an unfoldment.
So it is with all beings.
But man is so absorbed in his everyday actions
and his greed that he seems to be unaware
of that innate desire for unfoldment.
It is his everyday tasks, his avariciousness,
his cruelty to other beings,
that keep him continually occupied,
and that is why he cannot hear the continual cry
of his own soul to awaken,
to unfold, to reach upward,
to expand, and to go towards perfection.