2:09 AM-8/16/16
you have set for yourself as a person.
Take a careful look at your personality;
you will see it is just a bundle of likes and dislikes.
These likes and dislikes have risen
from your enslavement to the duality of life,
which is the bedrock of ignorance.
Full Article; Beyond Likes & Dislikes
I want you to drop them.
start this process of dropping your likes and dislikes,
one by one.
If you do that every month,
within six months’ time,
you will see a tremendous transformation in you.
Full Article: Likes & Dislikes...The Basis of Bondage
without taking any substance you can simply sit here
and get drugged or stoned or drunk by yourself.
If you are aware in a certain way,
you can activate the system in such a way
that if you sit here it is an enormous pleasure.
Once simply sitting and breathing is such a great pleasure
you will become very genial, flexible, wonderful
because all the time you are in a great state within yourself.
No hangover.
Mind becomes sharper than ever before.
Full Article with 12 min Instructions for "Centering"....powerful...
The solar system unfolds in a vast flower-like pattern,
the colors of which are beyond description.
Within this structure are the auric bodies of the planets
moving in stately procession about the sovereign sun.
Above and beyond the solar system are the blazing archetypal patterns
of the constellations which in turn mingle their lights
with the countless flames of the galaxy.
Below on earth every flower and plant has its own auric field, minerals shine with an interior light, and the earth beneath our feet is a mass of tiny stars.
In the midst of this diffusion of colors
stands the human being in an auric robe of glory.
Every moment of existence, even what we like to call death,
is bringing forth beings and creatures whose bodies will fade away,
but whose invisible constitutions will shine forever.
~ Manly P. Hall
(the above arrives in an e-mail newsletter
evening of Aug 15th, 2016)
also added to Oceanspeak for Aug 14th, 2016
dmm underlinings
of understanding and
loosen the thread of
thoughts strung tightly
one by one like beads
on a choke collar.
of me to run free, the
passionate imagining
that needs no meaning.
wisdom into myth,
a gossamer web thin
enough to blow away
in just a hint of wind,
leaving my heart open
again for the next
moment of knowing.
~Danna Faulds
it is because
we are believing something that is not true
and caught in emotional reactivity.
A key tool in meditation is investigation –
actively inquiring into what is happening inside us.
When we investigate with sincere interest and care,
the light of our attention untangles
difficult emotions and nourishes intimate relationships.
As this light turns toward awareness itself,
it reveals the radiance and emptiness of our true nature.
~Tara Brach
Continues to follow the method
Until the one who follows the method is
No more.
Wu Hsin