3:17 AM-12/24/17
In their psychic and spiritual lives,
human beings are not uniquely men or women
as they are on the physical plane.
The mystic who contemplates divinity is like a woman
who wants to receive a spark, a seed from God.
He devotes himself to the light of God;
he opens himself to it,
changes polarity and then receives this seed in his soul.
in order to give birth in the world to a divine child.
In the spiritual realm, a man, like a woman,
can conceive and give birth to a child.
if a woman devotes herself to the service of God
also learns to change polarity,
she becomes active and emissive;
through her spirit,
she can unite with the universal Soul and give it form.
but only on the condition that men and women
may learn about the laws of polarity. »
Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov
It is a hallowed moment of remembering
the goodness of space and time.
It is a way of celebrating the holy ground
on which you stand.
cherish the truth that time and space are holy.
Whether you take your shoes off
symbolically or literally matters little.
to the holy ground on which you stand
and to the holy ground that you are…
.Macrina Wiederkeher
In this presence beyond presence,
- Jeff Foster
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I love inviting you to the truth of the present moment.
I love holding this space, lightly.
I love it when curious attention drops into the body.
I will keep singing my song, as long as there is a love of singing.
But I cannot be anyone's teacher, preacher, guru, therapist
'The One Who Knows'.
But I can meet you in this field of friendship.
I cannot heal you, but I can guide you back
to that sacred place within yourself
where everything is held.
I cannot fix you, but I can love you.
I cannot give you the truth.
You are already there,
if you would only LOOK.
Beyond nonduality, yes.
Beyond all notions of spirituality.
Beyond all labels I might give myself.
Just this moment, here, now, in its rawness,
in its simplicity, in its groundlessness, in its purity.
Here, we can begin.
Nowhere else.
No system to uphold. No
'teaching' to defend.
Beyond 'right' and 'wrong'.
And so I resign. I fully resign!
I resign myself ... to this extraordinary path
of radical inclusivity.
Bowing to our broken and beautiful humanity,
each day.
Letting this tremendous Light
shine through the cracks.
I resign in each moment,
from the role and the projections,
so I can see you, meet you,
exactly where you are.
Jeff Foster
Also on above link and at the last....a refreshing wording re:
On Abuse & "Spirituality"