4:16 AM-6/12/17
If you only know the beauty of the fragrance, you become a romantic.
If you know the chemistry of the fragrance, you become a scientist.
If you know the ecstasy of the fragrance, you could become a mystic.
If you become the fragrance,
you will become the very source of creation.
and you are completely absorbed into something,
if that something is powerful enough,
it will just imprint upon you."
If you dismantle the structures of who you
are and you are completely absorbed into something,
if that something is powerful enough,
it will just imprint upon you.
That is the idea of devotion, that you become that.
It is not about being devoted to somebody or something;
it is just that it is the highest level of perception.
You can imprint yourself with what you are seeking
because you opened yourself up completely.
You have to allow it to go into its full blossom
now, here, not somewhere else.
Do not try to save the fragrance of life.
Those who save will stink.
Those who throw it out,
you will see them as fragrant beings.
(can google for more: Sadhguru Become The Fragrance)
look carefully at the ways you habitually place others’ needs over your own…
not out of genuine compassion for them,
but as a re-enactment of an early environment
of shame and unworthiness.
Pure curiosity.
No judgment, no self-attack, no more violence.
End the war.
one encoded with wisdom,
attunement, and
a wild sort of kindness.
This encoding is not passive,
but one that shatters the status quo
as a forerunner of revolution.
which are not added to you,
but revealed to be the always already
substance of your very cell tissue,
the seemingly solid distinction between self and other
will reveal itself to be quite translucent.
Like a rainbow.
Matt Licata
in order photographed..