...a Whisper from Morning Writngs in Ocala (February-April 2018)
3:39 AM-5/8/18
Happiness is contagious like the flu.
Chef Sue Neff
in our feral states,
about what we need to do and how we need to be.
Split us open at the beauty point.
Where our abilities meet the energy of our hearts.
Crack through us with your lightning bolts
and allow us to channel your divine electricity to all that we do.
Help us to be conductors.
Pixie Lighthorse
See Full Quote in Read More at end of Afternoon Photos on this OceanSpeak
all things were older than man
and they hummed of mystery.
— Cormac McCarthy, “The Road”
The world hums.
It shivers endlessly.
this radical act of befriending all parts of ourselves
is what makes true healing possible.
those historically configured ways of organizing our experience
and staying out of too much vulnerability
and the nakedness of unguarded immediacy--
arose to serve a very specific function,
to protect us from overwhelming anxiety
that threatened the survival
of a ripening little brain and nervous system.
like we have failed, forgotten some sort of “secret,”
or that something is fundamentally wrong with us,
to remember the neurobiological realities
of a young, empathy-seeking infant
can wash away the shame of fantasized failure.
Matt Licata
Sometimes, you go climbing in the mountains.
You must have noticed that it is the rough edges of the rocks
that enable you to climb.
How could you do so if the rocks were smooth?
to this great journey called life that is much more meaningful?
In such conditions, you will never reach the top,
and more importantly,
you will tumble on your way down!
and it is thanks to them that you are still alive.
So, do not complain about obstacles, inconveniences, and enemies:
without them, you would have nothing to hold on to in order to climb.
do not realize that in reality, they are asking for their downfall.
Fortunately, heaven does not listen to them,
it knows what they need in order to progress.
Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov
3:50 AM-4/8/2018
See Read More below for
additional afternoon photos
Full Sharing by
Pixie Lighthorse
Thank you for the blessing of breath, of hydration, of animation. What a joy it is to be alive and living with intention.
Direct us to our solemn devotion, help us to be receptive when you call. Awaken us to that which is greater than the daily lives we’re carrying on with right now. Create in us a chain reaction of events which find us centered in the current. Headed for our destiny and able to read the roadsigns.
Teach us that each of us is full of beautiful gifts to be shared and to be open to receive. Remind us with great frequency that what we enjoy most can be aligned with what you have in mind for us, if you can help us with our listening.
Show us that what we’re called to do is not only possible, but our duty to honour our sacred work on the world. Point us to the resource which will support our efforts.
Help us to know that we can do it.
Walk us back to our wildness, where we can become clear, in our feral states, about what we need to do and how we need to be. Split us open at the beauty point. Where our abilities meet the energy of our hearts. Crack through us with you lightning bolts and allow us to channel your divine electricity to all that we do.
Help us to be conductors.
Purify us with your rain and awaken us with your thunder. Rock us to peace after we’ve thrashed against the trust that we are safe, sheltered, seen, hear, and held, then put us back on path again. When we are prompted to leap, hold the net for us. We’ll need it.
Help us to dive of the precipice, knowing that you will be there.
Hang us gracefully upside down to gain perspective, so that we may know ourselves, our work and you, from every angle, with the love only you, the Divine, can inspire.
Help us to take a chance on ourselves.
Pixie Lighthorse
Today...5/8/18 cannot find WHERE we first read this quote (in Ocala...4/27/18)