Hsin Hsin Ming The Book of Nothing - Sosan
Infinitely large and infinitely small;
no difference, for definitions have vanished and no boundaries are seen.
Don't waste time in doubts and arguments that have nothing to do with this.
because the non-dual is one with the trusting mind.
The Way is beyond language, for in it there is
no yesterday
no tomorrow
no today.
Hsin Hsin Ming The Book of Nothing - Sosan
Let Us Give Birth to Them Everyday
Dr. Clarissa P. Estes
filled with encouragement
and tenderness and love,
with a view toward the future,
using all one's senses
to send love and life renewed
to the beloved one's senses--
throws the switch
on the brilliant
communications network
we are all born with,
the one that lights up
in each person,
in full glowing technicolor
when we speak
of seeing, smelling, sensing,
tasting, touching, hearing--
amongst the old taltos
in my family, that this,
the sensory-- is the language
of Creator--Who called
the world --not into being--
but *back* into being
from the Void.
en Imatatio Creator,
imitating Creator's calling
the world back into being,
with and for our loved one.
As we are now doing
Please see Read More
for the whole story and full writing
of the above Dr. Clarissa P. Estes Sharing
Let Us Give Birth to Them Everyday
Dr. Clarissa P. Estes
As a child,
I can remember my grandmother
with her long white braid down her back,
in her soft 10,000 times washed
long white nightgown
that smelled of her alone,
telling her so very ill lifelong husband
lying there in the summer evening,
he as dark as dusk
like all of his tribe,
they together there
in their tiny bedroom
with the stars from the window
and one streetlight far off in the alley,
their only lights--
and her saying to him
in the old Magyar language--
how they would dance together
again and soon,
the ceremonial csardas;
how they would smell
the lily of the valley bloom again
in the irrigation trough out back;
how they would see the purple grapes
on the back porch trellis
come into season again;
how they would hear
the gentle gray mourning doves
in their garden of red zinnias
after a good rain;
how they would dance
together once again,
two old people,
two old souls,
taking in fragrances
eating the sweet fruits,
making and drinking the wine,
hearing birdsong,
feeling the rain,
once again.
This is how I learned
'old woman white braid's' ways:
that when a loved one
is away in one way
and/but fully here in another way,
we speak lovingly
to those who suffered
stroke, coma,
induced coma,
Loving and soft tones,
filled with encouragement
and tenderness and love,
with a view toward the future,
using all one's senses
to send love and life renewed
to the beloved one's senses--
for this 'talk of the senses'
throws the switch
on the brilliant
communications network
we are all born with,
the one that lights up
in each person,
in full glowing technicolor
when we speak
of seeing, smelling, sensing,
tasting, touching, hearing--
for it is said
amongst the old taltos
in my family, that this,
the sensory-- is the language
of Creator--Who called
the world --not into being--
but *back* into being
from the Void.
As we are now doing
en Imatatio Creator,
imitating Creator's calling
the world back into being,
with and for our loved one.
'Grandmother white braid'
tried to move and speak
with best patience,
hope and love-- these
she said she had saved
up over all the years from
the many wells she had drawn
from -- long cool drinks...
to rely on as a holy form
of imperfect but growing
understanding and
endurance now.
I understood her transmission
to be that we not speak aloud any words
or fears or pre-grievings
in the presence or within the hearing
of the person so stricken,
that would disturb a child's naive heart...
nor a woman nursing her precious newborn...
nor a man in tears kneeling to pray.
That we would ever speak
to our Beloved
who cannot yet speak,
but/and who also comes to us,
through our senses--
if we will be alert
to the messenger angels
who transmit between humans
through fragrances, musics,
words, beauty of sights, dreams,
sounds, touches and knowings,
blessings and breathing together...
a heightened sensory experience
as well as silence, silence often
being the ultimate music.
That we are together.
That each day
we will try to give birth
to our loved one
once again,
over and over again.
Come what may.
May it be heartening
in ways we can understand
and put to good medicine
right away...
Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estes
Facebook Post 1/9/15
tells more re: the above writing.
Infinitely large and infinitely small;
no difference, for definitions have vanished and no boundaries are seen.
So too with Being and non-Being.
Don't waste time in doubts and arguments that have nothing to do with this.
One thing, all things: move among and intermingle, without distinction.
To live in this realization is to be without anxiety about non-perfection.
To live in this faith is the road to non-duality,
because the non-dual is one with the trusting mind.
The Way is beyond language, for in it there is
no yesterday
no tomorrow
no today.
Hsin Hsin Ming The Book of Nothing - Sosan
one would be Sosan's Hsin Hsin Ming," Osho says.
"It contains the quintessence of Zen, the path of awareness and meditation...the very soul of Zen." Himself a master of both words and silence, Osho builds a bridge between the modern, chattering mind and the infinite no-mind of Sosan through these Zen sutras - the only words uttered by Sosan, the 6th-century Chinese mystic and third Chinese patriarch.
OSHO’s Discourse re: Hsin Hsin Ming The Book of Nothing
http://www.oshobooks.net/hsinhsinming/front-matter/hsin-hsin-ming-the-book-of-nothing/ http://www.oshobooks.net/ (many FREE OSHO bks to read)
Complete Sosan - Hsin Hsin Ming: the Book of Nothing