The Heart of Awareness
A Translation of the
Ashtavakra Gita
Thomas Byrom
This Sharing began 3/26/19
There are 20 chapters
Below is Chapter 6
4:18 AM-3/31/19
*See Read More at end of Afternoon Photos
for a Splendid Synchronistic Arrival
Chapter 6
I am boundless space.
The world is a clay pot.
This is the truth.
There is nothing to accept,
Nothing to reject,
Nothing to dissolve.
I am the ocean.
All the worlds are like waves.
This is the truth.
Nothing to hold on to,
Nothing to let go of,
Nothing to dissolve.
I am the mother-of-pearl.
The world is a vein of silver,
An illusion!
This is the truth.
Nothing to grasp,
Nothing to spurn,
Nothing to dissolve.
I am in all beings.
All beings are in me.
This is the whole truth.
Nothing to embrace,
Nothing to relinquish,
Nothing to dissolve.
The Heart of Awareness
A Translation of the
Ashtavakra Gita
Thomas Byrom
Chapter 6
Entire Book (pdf) with Excellent Introduction:
In the morning we go to contemplate the sun rising.
In doing so, we eat it and drink it,
and its living light and warmth spread to all the cells in our body enlightening them, strengthening them, purifying them and vivifying them.
By looking at it, imagine that you free yourselves of your body's impurities
to replace them with the particles of light the sun sends you.
With all your heart, with all your soul,
take these divine particles and place them within you.
you will impregnate the matter
of your being with spiritual vibrations
and become more and more alive.
Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov
that transparent, that close.
Touch everything. Be so quiet
against each leaf, each face.
Where lovers move, be there.
Where bullets strike, be there.
Around each voice, be that air.
Now you know how God feels.
Pir Elias Amidon
Ram Dass, Rupert Spira, Elias Amidon
Time is a box formed by thoughts of the past and future.
When you're not dwelling in the past or anticipating the future,
but are just here - you're outside of time.
From within here... you are not being in time.
You [just] Be, and time goes by, as if you were
standing on a bridge, watching it all go by.
toward a kind of joy that is not in time.
In this journey out of time,
we are leaving behind every model we have had
of who we thought we were.
It's a journey that takes us from primary identification with our
psyche to identification with our souls, then to identification
with God, and ultimately beyond any identification at all.
passionately as a way of awakening to the deepest truths of
our being. As soul, I live in the moment, in each rich and
precious moment, and I am filled with contentment.
Ram Dass
from Polishing the Mirror:
How to Live from Your Spiritual Heart
when seen through the mind,
appears as time.
We are not present in the Now.
We are the Now.
along with everything else.
It is our Self, Eternal Presence...
Rupert Spira
Truth cannot be seen.
What is necessary is a different seeing,
whole seeing,
seeing from within,
from the Source of all seeing.
No one is born and no one dies.
This dream-world of phenomena
is merely something to be witnessed in passing.
March 31
The Net of Jewels
Ramesh S. Balsekar
*See Read More Below
Synchronistic Quotes
Additional Photos
the Morning Whisper Wrote)
Journey Out of Time - Ram Dass, Rupert Spira, Elias Amidon
Time is a box formed by thoughts of the past and future.
When you're not dwelling in the past or anticipating the future,
but are just here - you're outside of time.
Dwelling in the moment is dwelling in Eternal Presence.
From within here... you are not being in time.
You [just] Be, and time goes by, as if you were
standing on a bridge, watching it all go by.
Ours is a journey toward simplicity, toward quietness, toward a
kind of joy that is not in time. In this journey out of time, we
are leaving behind every model we have had of who we thought
we were. This journey involves a transformation of our being.
It's a journey that takes us from primary identification with our
psyche to identification with our souls, then to identification
with God, and ultimately beyond any identification at all.
Life is an incredible curriculum in which we live richly and
passionately as a way of awakening to the deepest truths of
our being. As soul, I live in the moment, in each rich and
precious moment, and I am filled with contentment.
Ram Dass
from Polishing the Mirror:
How to Live from Your Spiritual Heart
The Eternal Now,
when seen through the mind,
appears as time.
The Now is our Self.
We are not present in the Now.
We are the Now.
The Now is not a container that contains our Self
along with everything else.
It is our Self, Eternal Presence...
Rupert Spira
Let your heart be like the sky,
that transparent, that close.
Touch everything. Be so quiet
against each leaf, each face.
Where lovers move, be there.
Where bullets strike, be there.
Around each voice, be that air.
Now you know how God feels.
Pir Elias Amidon
Chapter 6
I am boundless space.
The world is a clay pot.
This is the truth.
There is nothing to accept,
Nothing to reject,
Nothing to dissolve.
I am the ocean.
All the worlds are like waves.
This is the truth.
Nothing to hold on to,
Nothing to let go of,
Nothing to dissolve.
I am the mother-of-pearl.
The world is a vein of silver,
An illusion!
This is the truth.
Nothing to grasp,
Nothing to spurn,
Nothing to dissolve.
I am in all beings.
All beings are in me.
This is the whole truth.
Nothing to embrace,
Nothing to relinquish,
Nothing to dissolve.
The Heart of Awareness
A Translation of the
Ashtavakra Gita
Thomas Byrom
Chapter 6
Entire Book (pdf) with Excellent Introduction: