...however this morning's experience was "off the charts"...
...never did get a camera setting to quite match what we Saw/Experienced.....
....so you will see an assortment of camera settings for sunrise this morning.
3:42 AM-8/31/18
*Justin 8/9/18
yet most overwhelming emotion
shook me through.
I saw our sun.
and that we were an infinite distance away,
but somehow all through me I recognized
that it was exactly the same sun as ours,
its copy and double.
echoed rapturously through my soul.
The dear power of light,
of that same light which had given me birth,
touched my heart and revived it,
and I felt life,
the old life,
for the first time since my death.
I lifted my hands and called upon the eternal truth,
not called, but wept.
Rapture, ineffable rapture exalted all my being.
Yes, to live.
at least all aspire to the same goal,
from the wise man to the lowest murderer,
but only by different ways.
It is an old truth, but there is this new in it:
I cannot go far astray.
and will correct and guide me always.
Oh, I am strong and fresh,
I can go on, go on, even for a thousand years.
I saw and know that men could be beautiful and happy,
without losing the capacity to live upon the earth.
I will not,
I cannot believe that evil is the normal condition of men…
I did not invent it with my mind.
I saw, saw, and her living image filled my soul for ever.
I saw her in such consummate perfection
that I cannot possibly believe that she was not among men.
How can I then go astray? …
and will correct and guide me always.
Oh, I am strong and fresh,
I can go on, go on, even for a thousand years.
— love thy neighbor as thyself --
that is the one thing.
nothing else is needed.
You will instantly find how to live.
~Fyodor Dostoyevsky
lift them to my face,
inhale the fragrance of my skin.
By what alchemy was that unique odour created?
submerged to my chin.
Wetness, warmth: what registers these sensations
yet never gets wet?
I marvel that it grows, it falls out;
more grows, automatically.
Can I spin one thread of hair?
How does this perfect toe-guard
know how to grow?
Is there a how-to manual for nails (and hair and cells)?
I watch my bright blood slowly seep,
congeal, clot (or not).
Can I control a clot?
By what miracle can I hear
the kettle boiling urgently,
and those rowdy Kookaburras?
asking myself,
(eyes shut)
Where exactly is ‘taste’ located?
the mother of all questions shows up:
Where’s my world viewed from?
I gaze undistractedly
at my coffee cup.
So then I try to find a viewer.
Can I find a fixed point,
a “me”?
checking for myself,
what can I report?
Well, as the saying goes:
All the lights are on but
no one’s home.
only to find I am unfindable.
What I find is inescapable space.
Space that’s unimagined, and unarguably aware.
all experience in, and as, time,
including this tricky two-step called
as every sensation, feeling, thought,
every belief – questioned or not,
every thing and every no-thing too.
hobbled and hollow-boned,
know its fancy footwork as my own.
of empty-mind
spiked with questions
of the unanswerable kind
can deliver you to your
effulgent nothingness?
– with a deep bow, ml
miriam louisa