4:21 AM-5/7/18
*All That Is AH!
and in doing so they are in contact with the elements
of earth, water, and air and are nourished by them.
how to nourish themselves with the fourth element: fire, light.
And yet light is even more vital than air because it feeds our brain.
Yes, our brain too wants to eat, and light is its food.
and enables us to access the divine world.
You might say that by eating, drinking and breathing
we nourish our whole body, including our brain.
our brain only with solid, liquid, and gaseous particles,
which are not the elements we need most,
many realities of the subtle words will remain unknown to us.
how the first man nourished himself,
and Ahura Mazda replied,
‘He ate fire and drank light.’
Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov
of water flowing,
rising and falling,
sometimes advancing,
sometimes receding-
May the stream of your life flow
…..Celtic Prayer
in which we can transcend our small sense of self,
release what is called ‘the body of fear,’
and awaken an undying wisdom, love, and fearlessness.
Initiation’s transforming process is not always outwardly obvious.
Some experience it as a slow spiral,
a steady and repetitive remaking of inner being.
and trust through the hundred thousand repeated practices
and heartfelt sincerity of a regular spiritual discipline.
The Buddha likened this process to the ocean floor
which descends little by little to the depths of the sea….
Jack Kornfield
Excerpt from:
You are the entire ocean in a drop.
are not always beautiful or mystical or comprehensible….
rather, they touch the beloved heart of truth and pain
and longing and despair
and vision and blessedness….
epiphanies are overrated;
the depths are too deep to reconcile…
.the glitterati of life lies in its vast, dark mystery…
Go on.
Get drunk.
~ Rumi
the mind does not understand.
~ Rumi
Had I known how listening is superior to speaking,
I would not have wasted my life preaching.”
The Conference of the Birds
― Farid ud-Din Attar,
not worrying who listens or what they think.
~ Rumi
you feel a river moving in you, a joy.
~ Rumi
Silence is the root of everything.
If you spiral into its void,
a hundred voices will thunder messages
you long to hear.
I’ve beat this drum of Love for so long,
for you whom I adore, singing:
“My life depends upon my dying”
This keeps my body and soul alive.
I dream but I do not sleep."