that create more of the repetitive-same
that is so depleting.
The One Eternal Moment is greater
than man’s concept of God
and Holds Calm, Steady thru all.
This is the Cosmic Grace of Forgiveness
within and without.
It is all the same….
Is, was, or could be.
4:13 AM - 7/23/15
there is only You
you exist for billions of years in different manifestations,
because you are Life,
and Life cannot die.
You are in the trees,
the butterflies,
the fish,
the air,
the moon,
the sun.
Wherever you go, you are there,
waiting for yourself.
—Don Miguel Ruiz
The Mastery of Love
that your mind is sometimes like
a battering ram
running all through the city,
shouting so madly inside and out
about the ten thousand things
that do not matter?
I became less and less convinced
of the fact that I actually existed.
–Haruki Murakami
for story of this "Flying Shell" photo...
He took this amazing photo during sunrise Sept. 11, 2014.on H.I. beach.
There are several posts referring to this Sept. 11th photography.