The CuspCones come to Remind:
Pause, Be Still! Allow Grace to Soften/Blur the outward/visible Pyramid Aspects of Being.
Raging, Empowered Waves exploding towards shore...
crisscross paths in whirring frenzies,
resulting in CuspCones of water peaking towards the sky....
...just before they become breakers.
Only another Pyramid can Recognize the Pyramid is Immortal.
Neverborn. Neverdie.
Sunrise - Harbour Island
The ages have seen man, in various forms and stages of self-pity, piety and false humility, bargain with,
appease and try to please and control his deities.
The self-pity could only be assuaged by holier-than-thou self-importance.
Self-pity has been a major obstacle to the discovery that we have begged alms from ourselves.
V-Breakers as symbol for these Times:
Ouroboros Divine Feminine
that which has lost its false power
LONG Pauses of Silence between a variety of joyful breakers
reminds of quotes from years ago.....
and every activity, however different in aspect, peculiar to itself, and unlike others in its effect, is still the activity of a tiny part of that life which is as wide as the ocean.
Call it world, universe, nation, country, race, community, one individual, or only a particle, an atom - its activity, its energy springs in each case from one inseparable and eternal silent aspect of life.
And it has not only sprung from it, but it also resolves itself into it.
One throws a pebble into the water, water that is still and calm.
There comes an activity, it comes for one moment, and then it vanishes. Into what does it vanish?
It vanishes into the same silence in which the water was before.
Water is a substance that is active by nature, and the silence, the stillness, the calmness that it shows is just the original state, the effect of its original source.
This means that the natural inclination of every thing and every being is silence, because it has come from silence, and yet it is active, because it is activity that produces activity;
and its end is silence.
Inayat Khan
excerpt from:
For enduring happiness and satisfaction in this life we must focus our attention upon the inner life, realize our own True Nature, and find a way to allow that still small voice within to guide our thoughts and actions in every moment, in every situation.
The Calm Depths Beneath the ever-changing waves and turbulent surface of the ocean, there is an abiding peaceful calm which permeates the depths and supports the weight of the turbulent surface.
Similarly, each human being has a turbulent ego-driven surface, and the calm abiding peace of Divine ...
Throughout history, whenever the social order has begun to flounder,
the great mystics and prophets have all tried to chart a better course for mankind, a path of individual righteousness arising from individual communion with the Real, the Divine Presence within.
Those great mystics have all heard the still small voice within, a "knowing"
which arises from the utterly silent depths of the heart,
and so too must we learn to hear that same profound inner guidance if we are to evolve beyond mere animal behavior and awaken to our true potential.
Inayat Khan
excerpt from: