December 9, 2012
"Throughout the Silences of Eternity"****
Alone and without his rest shall the eagle fly across the sun".
K. Gibran
December 9, 2012
A Gibran/Almustafa Sunrise Attunement
"a voice born anew out of the heart of those boundless silences"****
Purple hues from the ship with purple sails.
The eagle soars.
The Light Evershines breaking thru dark clouds...
****"I go but if I go with a truth not yet voiced,
that very truth will again seek me and gather me,
though my elements be scattered throughout the silences of eternity,
and again shall I come before you that I may speak with a voice born anew
out of the heart of those boundless silences.
And if there be aught of beauty that I have declared not unto you,
then once again shall I be called, ay,
even by mine own name,
and I shall give you a sign, that you may know
I have come back to speak all that is lacking,
for God will not suffer Himself to be hidden from man,
nor his word to lie covered in the abyss of the heart of man."
Here Gibran clearly states through this personal communication with Karima
the possibility of spiritual communication.
He did not offer this wisdom to the many; no, there could be misuse.
But those who can gain and learn and grow, he tells simply, in essence,
"call me by mine own name."
He said he would give a sign so that the person receiving would know for sure he had come back to communicate.
"A voice cannot carry with it the tongue and the life that gave it wings.
Alone and without his rest shall the eagle fly across the sun".
K. Gibran
from: http://www.syria-wide.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=33&Itemid=49