8:34 AM - 1/7/16
does what she does not for power or out of the desire to please,
but because what she does is true."
Marion Woodman
The Pregnant Virgin
(can be said of any person, not just woman
for quotes and samplers...and source pages/articles/authours
The Divine Androgyne and more.....
Taoist teacher Michael Winn believes the solution will be found in a new spiritual science with Taoist (water) and Tantric (fire) principles at its core.1
He says we may have to integrate our sexual desire into a subtle body experience he calls 'spiritual orgasm',
in order to heal the cosmological splitting of our original non-dual being
(first into an etheric androgyne
and then into physical male and female sexed bodies).
In Winn's view this vast collective wound drives the human incarnational process, and can only be healed by achieving what the Taoists call immortality,
the alchemical re-fusion of spirit and body-matter into its original essence.
This, for him, is the crucial focus of subtle body sexual cultivation.
What did earlier sources have to say about the concept of divine androgyny?
See below page for full article:
Learn about an inspiring new model for sexuality, created by Chilean Psychologist Franscisco Moreno. Here are his remarks describing it.Transorgasmic sex is based in thermodynamics, and heavily influenced by the work of C. G. Jung. I use the term "irreversible expansion" (for example, an atomic explosion) for the orgasmic experience, and "reversible expansion" (for example, a nuclear reactor) for the transorgasmic experience.
Transorgasmic consciousness has existed in all cultures. It does not belong to sexuality only. Even in sports and other physical or aesthetic disciplines we find experiences similar to transorgasmic.
Full Article:
- The whole, however, had become more than the sum of its parts.
- The parts concentrate on the periods in the chrysalis
- when life as we have known it is over.
- No longer who we were, we know not who we may become.
- We experience ourselves as living mush,
- fearful of the journey down the birth canal.
- The whole has to do with the process of psychological pregnancy--
- the virgin forever a virgin,
- forever pregnant,
- forever open to possibilities.
- Introduction, p. 7
- Introduction, p. 7
- https://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Marion_Woodman
See more at:
Psychic intimacy and physical intimacy go together naturally, but, where they have been split apart at a pre-verbal level, the instinct is isolated. The emotional food that should be incorporated with the physical food is not present. Without the experience of the instincts, neither the feminine soul nor the masculine spirit is embodied; consequently in later life emotional intimacy, including love-making, may be undermined by a sense of betrayal. The body is not present. She is not there.
The woman who is whole resonates both physically and psychically. The soul, that is, is incarnate. -p38
The fury of the neglected Goddess often manifests when individuals begin to experience their genuine femininity. When their virgin soul has been ravished from the grip of the mother complex, they become conscious of how they have betrayed their outcast whore and may be angry with everyone in their past who has ever denied their totality. They need to recognize, then, that their forebears were probably never initiated into their femininity, and therefore left their children a heritage of unconscious feminine outrage. Each generation labors in the shadow of its predecessors.
It is important to recognize the difference between personal anger in intimate relationships, and transpersonal rage that erupts from an archetypal level, the level at which the Goddess enters. When that differentiation takes place and the rage is appropriately released, the Goddess can turn her other face. Then the soul can take up residence in its vastly enlarged home and go about its own creative life. the density of matter is infiltrated by Light so that the individual, instead of lugging around a heap of dark flesh, experiences both the calm, rich wisdom of the conscious ego in the conscious body and the authenticity of the transpersonal love that impregnates Being.
Redeemed matter is the container confident enough and flexible enough to magnify the creative imagination. -p70
- See more at:
Paul Levy
Once we consciously take the shadow back into ourselves, we become an instrument, a flash of light that illumines the darkness in the outside world. Instead of reacting to the darkness in the outside world through the lens of our own unembraced darkness, which simply creates, through projection, more darkness, we are able to see the darkness through the part of ourselves that is separate from it. Paradoxically, seeing our own evil is the very thing which activates the part of us which is “other” than and free of evil. This part of us that is “other” than evil is the only part of us that can clearly see evil (as it plays itself out both within ourselves and in the outside world) because it is not “mixed up” with it, and thus, is not blinded or deceived by it.
As Christ said, “resist not evil.”
There is a radical difference between fighting evil and loving God.
Loving God is to embrace unconditionally both the light and dark sides of God, which is to say of ourselves. Snapping out of the self-created and infinitely-regressing feedback loop of fighting against our own darkness is to realize that our very grasping itself is the origin of the problem of evil. This realization allows us to receive the blessings of the “dark God.”
As alchemists, we are then able to transmute the darkness into light. As Christ said, “My burden IS light.” Could this statement by Christ mean not only that his burden is “not heavy,” but that his (and our) burden IS (in disguised form) the “light” of the Godhead itself?
Just like a mirror can reflect back the vilest image and not become sullied by the darkness of the reflection,
when we become truly acquainted with our true nature
– which embraces both light and dark and is simply aware of what it witnesses – our “original sin” dissolves back into the empty illusion that it always was.
Acting from the living experience of our basic goodness and primordial purity,
we can then truly be of benefit to the world.
Paul Levy