‘Nothing new under the sun’ - but in the sun everything is new
"In the morning when you go to watch the sunrise, allow yourself to be filled with the purity of the atmosphere and with the glow that gradually appears on the horizon announcing the coming of a new day.
Life on earth, it is true, is but a succession of new beginnings.
‘There is nothing new under the sun’, said Solomon in Ecclesiastes,
and he found this perpetual beginning anew tedious.
He had known everything, experienced everything, owned everything
and eventually concluded
it was all merely ‘vanity and a chasing after wind.’
Yes, there may be nothing new under the sun,
but why remain under the sun?
If we rise up into it and resonate with its heart,
everything will seem new to us every day."
Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov
“How do you stop thinking?”
And I have found one way.
The minute I can look at any person or condition
and know that it is neither good nor evil,
my thought stops,
and my mind becomes quiet.
That is the end of it
because then there are no thoughts left for me to think about it;
I do not think good of it and I do not think evil of it.
All I know is that it is,
and then I am back at the center of my being where all power is.
Our mind is restless only when we are thinking about things or persons,
either in terms of good or evil,
but the mind is at rest when we surrender all such concepts.”
Joel Goldsmith
The Thunder of Silence
p. 57