3:28 AM-9/5/16
It is not possible to know how much is just enough,
until we have experienced how much is more than enough.
Sheldon Kopp
If You Meet the Buddha on the Road...Kill Him
From the viewpoint of archetypal psychology
as well as from the storytelling tradition,
she is the female soul.
Yet she is more; she is the source of the feminine.
She is all that is of instinct, of the worlds both seen and hidden- she is the basis.
We each receive from her a glowing cell
which contains all the instincts and knowings needed for our lives.
Clarissa Pinkola Estes, PH.D.
Women Who Run With the Wolves
requires that we tap into the deepest recesses of our soul,
and that takes courage because what lies that deep
is not always pretty or sweet smelling.
Else it might as well be out in the open...
Anyone who has ever heard a baby howl,
knows we are born with it.
No social niceties or barriers
lie between what baby needs
and her expression of that need.
The little insistent voice at the back of our mind,
the subtle gnawing feeling in the pit of our stomach will not be smothered.
It must be the basic ingredient of our DNA.
The ones who don�t know of or do not believe in this, resign themselves
to live a semi-life, shadows of what could have been.
But the one who knows... also knows that no matter how difficult or painful
or tedious, the task of calling out, assembling,
and then singing over the bones,
is worth the effort.
Only after the pain of that birth, our second one,
can we know the full joy and freedom of being.
Leave deep footprints because you can.
Be the old woman in the rocking chair who rocks the idea
until it becomes young again.
Be the courageous and patient woman in the Crescent moon bear
who learns to see through illusion.
Don't be distracted by burning matches and fantasies like the Little Match Girl.
Hold out til you find the ones that you belong to like the ugly duckling.
Clear the creative river so La Llorna can find what belongs to her.
Like the Handless Maiden, let the enduring heart lead you through the forest.
Like La Loba, collect the bones of lost valuables and sing them back to life.
Forgive as much as you can,
forget a little,
and create a lot.
Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estes
September 3 at 9:22pm ·
(from her Facebook)
Dear Brave Souls: I would like your help.
It's OFFICIAL: The 25th Anniversary edition of Women Who Run with the Wolves, Myths and Stories of the Wild Woman Archetype, is coming in 2017.
I just received word after literally over 2 years of efforts, that my original publisher, Ballantine, now under Penguin Random House, will like to publish a 25th year edition.
They have asked me to write a ten page introduction, for the new edition, which is wonderful.
I would like to know what you would like to read/see in that ten pages. What can I offer that would be useful?
I've looked at a slew of anniversary intros that look back at the 25 or more years since a work has been pubbed.
But/And I would like what I write for you to be useful and lyric to and for you, and in gratitude.
I will add something about the underlying bones of wwrwtw, that many many pages are actually poems that were placed in prose line, that the original literary stories are from my ethnic families' stories, and I may ask my publisher if they will also add a few footnotes/endnotes as well, in terms of thanking certain souls who have shown up in the last, say, ten years.
Mis Los Lobitos y Las Lobitas:
Whom Do I Write For/To...
Ten pages when one is a poet,
is a lot of paperland to fill.
To me, the blank pages often look
like wide open snowfields
before I ever gently place
my pen point to inscribe words
with the blessed moon living
inside the white paper.
But then, suddenly,
off in the distance,
rise from seeming nowhere,
the packs.
I can see them
in the far-away,
tiny gray and black
and brown and white
leaping dots --
over the horizon line
in wild tribal groups.
Closer and closer they jump
and dip and run toward me
standing on open tundra
whipped by wind...
Closer and closer
they come forward,
til I can see the steam
from their breath rising
like a thousand clouds
of diamond dust...
You might think
I am speaking
only of the wolves
who rise to meet me
on this snowy page.
I am, in fact,
speaking about you,
and your dearness
and nearness to,
your dedication to
Wild Mother of All.
You, who strive to live free,
You, who strive to show
your cubs, your familiares,
your families, anyone
whose life you touch...
how to live
in the sane and wild
layers of life,
instead of the dry
and deadly insane ones.
You are the bright
and awakening,
You are the bright
and awakened
of El Espirito Santo
de La Loba.
And it is you
to whom
I am speaking.
This comes with love,
Dr. E.'s Tribe of the Sacred Heart, Many of us Scar Clan
and that you will work with these stories...
water them with your blood and tears and your laughter till they bloom,
till you yourself burst into bloom.”
― Clarissa Pinkola Estés,
Women Who Run With the Wolves: Myths and Stories of the Wild Woman Archetype
not to speak it
but to
be it.
Evan Griffith
The river does not flow in polluted, we manage that.
The river does not dry up, we block it.
If we want to allow it its freedom, we have to allow our ideational lives to be let loose, to stream, letting anything come, initially censoring nothing.
That is creative life.
It is made up of divine paradox.
To create one must be willing to be stone stupid,
to sit upon a throne on top of a jackass
and spill rubies from one’s mouth.
Then the river will flow,
then we can stand in the stream of it raining down.”
― Clarissa Pinkola Estés,
Women Who Run With The Wolves: Contacting the Power of the Wild Woman
To become
What one already is.
Wu Hsin