and if you gaze into the abyss,
the abyss gazes also into you
.Friedrich Nietzsche
‘In the fortified city of the imperishable, our body, there is a lotus arid in this lotus a tiny space. What does it contain that one should desire to know?’
You must reply,
‘As vast as the space without is,
the tiny space within your heart Heaven and Earth are found in it;
Fire arid Air, Sun and Moon, Lightning and the Constellations
Whatever belongs to you here below and all that doesn’t
all this is gathered
in that tiny space within your heart.’”
The Upanishads
This time the Abyss is God.
Thomas Merton
Douglas Steere
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“I have lots of things to teach you now, in case we ever meet, concerning the message that was transmitted to me under a pine tree in North Carolina on a cold winter moonlit night.
It said that Nothing Ever Happened, so don't worry. It's all like a dream.
Everything is ecstasy, inside.
We just don't know it because of our thinking-minds.
But in our true blissful essence of mind is known that everything is alright forever and forever and forever.
Close your eyes, let your hands and nerve-ends drop, stop breathing for 3 seconds,
listen to the silence inside the illusion of the world,
and you will remember the lesson you forgot,
which was taught in immense milky way soft cloud innumerable worlds long ago
and not even at all.
It is all one vast awakened thing.
I call it the golden eternity.
It has nothing to do with the imaginary idea of a personal self, other selves, many selves everywhere:
Self is only an idea, a mortal idea.
That which passes into everything is one thing. It's a dream already ended.
There's nothing to be afraid of and nothing to be glad about.
I know this from staring at mountains months on end.
They never show any expression, they are like empty space.
Do you think the emptiness of space will ever crumble away?
Mountains will crumble, but the emptiness of space,
which is the one universal essence of mind,
the vast awakenerhood,
empty and awake,
will never crumble away because it was never born.”
― Jack Kerouac, The Portable Jack Kerouac
There are 2 toroidal fields within the center of your heart,
and with them come individual experiences for each of them,
which are intimately connected with truly understanding yourself on the deepest of levels.
There is a difference between experiencing from the brain and from the heart,
and the heart is the gateway to letting go and being.
See: Living in the Heart ~ Drunvalo Melchizedek
I have just written a book on this — Living in the Heart: A Journey into the Sacred Space of the Human Heart — which will be out in about two months. Right after I finished this, somebody sent me a little quote from the Upanishads that I had never read. When I read that quote, I could hardly believe it.
Here’s what it says:
“If someone says to you, ‘In the fortified city of the imperishable, our body, there is a lotus arid in this lotus a tiny space. What does it contain that one should desire to know?’ You must reply, ‘As vast as the space without is, the tiny space within your heart Heaven and Earth are found in it; Fire arid Air, Sun and Moon, Lightning and the Constellations Whatever belongs to you here below and all that doesn’t all this is gathered in that tiny space within your heart.’”
That is exactly what I found — and so have thousands of other people.
The same world can be viewed and seen and sensed by going within your heart
as it can by going within your mind.
The Merkaba the body produces is produced from the heart, not in the mind, and it’s in the shape of a torus, or a donut, and it’s about 8 to 10 feet in diameter. The axis of that torus, which would be like if you put a donut on the ground, is flat and runs right alongside of the axis of the spine, which is where the axis of the merkaba or the light body is. But they’re separated by three or four inches, because the heart is off center.
Breathe God's air.
Work, if you can, under His sky.
But if you have to live in a city and work among machines and ride in the subway
and eat in a place where the radio makes you deaf with spurious news
and where the food destroys your life
and the sentiments of those around you poison your heart with boredom,
do not be impatient,
but accept it with love of God and as a seed of solitude planted in your soul.
“A man knows when he has found his vocation when he stops thinking about how to live and begins to live.”
“The deepest of level of communication is not communication, but communion. It is wordless ... beyond speech ... beyond concept.”
- Thomas Merton