5:53 AM-10/3/20
*See Notes/Information
Read More Below Afternoon Photos
when the news about time is that each day
there is less of it I know none of that
as I walk out through the early garden
only the day and I are here with no
before or after and the dew looks up
without a number or a present age
—W. S. Merwin
from the moon before morning
I’m God-mad … God-mad in a vast, vast way.
When I go out on the veranda at home
and I look at the whole scene,
I say, ‘Wonderful, God! Wonderful!’
Or I wake up in the morning and I walk outside
and I see the nature all around me:
‘Wonderful, God. Great work!
Good morning, God.
Good morning!’
And I say that in the kitchen,
in the bathroom,
anywhere …
because I’m God-mad, you see.
If you objectify God,
you’re going to miss the point.
If you make a thought of God,
you’re going to miss the point,
because the thought is an object.
This God is everything put together – nothing in particular, although I say to the birds,
‘That’s God being a bird. Hello, God!’
The clouds are God:
‘A lovely, lovely bit of artistry, God.’
I’m talking to God all day.
You talk to yourself.
You must be, if you’re thinking all day,
because your thoughts are yourself.
In God-madness
there’s no thought.
The whole scene is purely a convex thing
that reflects everything back
to this body, here, within,
and the acknowledgement,
the recognition of the whole,
all comes back
as the power of love.
because it resonates with
the God inside of you.
~ Barry Long
The false self [body-mind-identity] has not yet been totally transformed back into nothing-ness and much faith continues to be placed on the value of acquired knowledge.
This often inspires
a very subtle spiritual arrogance.
True Knowing is ‘emptiness’, devoid of any ‘you-identity’. There is no archive of information and yet the knowledge available from ‘True Knowing’ is instantaneous
in the moment it is needed.
and with it comes - ‘emptiness’.
When this occurs, there is a profound ‘lightness’
based on ‘Being nothing’.
The slate of person-hood is wiped clean
and the Awareness that You Are
is fully revealed.
Awareness is then ‘aware’ of IT SELF as ONE
… as All That Is.
John McIntosh
All Photos for today's OceanSpeak from: December 21, 2016
RESURRECTION=TAO TRANSPARENCY "...Eternal Being..." SOLSTICE Sunrise/Afternoon December 21, 2016
CtrlClick above Title (or below) to open above OceanSpeak
Integrity and authenticity seem very similar if not identical … but they are not.
Integrity relates to the world of the false self …
the one called ‘me’ as a person,
the body-mind-identity or ‘person’
- who most believe is who they are.
It involves something called honesty
and living within the parameters
of what is perceived of as true and right conduct.
it is totally dominated by the conditioning
that defines this ‘made-up’ entity or false self.
Every attachment, expectation and identification
tied to memory and imagination
‘designs’ what this illusory identity calls true,
and that is an ever-changing description
that is always compromised at best.
however involves the Awareness
that this entity is a false self.
It recognizes that nothing about it is real in any way.
IT does not require any analysis or comparisons
of what is so called right or wrong …
IT lives beyond the world of opposites
as one flawless and untainted SELF.
[which is ‘one’ Consciousness,
in which all that ‘seems to be’ is a ‘projection’]
is Perfect …
IT ‘is’ Truth IT SELF,
also called Love [unconditioned in any way].
Notes Re: Morning Whisper
OES 4:??
5:02 AM
Saturday, October 3, 2020
So “gone” physically this morning seems folly to risk immediate surgery for hernia….have inner checked and it’s NOT fear of this minor hernia surgery…still sense it is this heart….the same thing Yogi talked about….they found via testing…and one pill changed everything…she had NO heart pains but was having blankness…memory lapses that sound exactly like what happens with me…she had no idea it was her heart until the machines found it.
As I write this and know that’s the “first” thing we need to request…(whatever that heart test was for her)…a bit of the dark suctioning of energy in body lessens a tad. It was so severe (and usually is) when first getting out of Abyss bed esp in the mornings…
Seems like I “have” to follow that deep inner thread of energy that activates in body/mind…. ie…when the true thought re: this malady surfaces.
Have NOT done yoga or walking around block for days now…just no energy for that…even after we sit here to write long enough + drink enough espresso to get energy in brain first of all, then just a little bit in body.
It’s not even a brain fog…
just nothing (Nothing) in brain.
No aches or pains or even any sense heaviness in flesh….honestly just feels like preparation for Final Flight…and not so much preparation but just the precursors of “Letting Go” of EVERYTHING, melted into Divine Grace…until we are moved by the Thunder of “CLEAR!”
..just like the airport tower says to the pilot as he waits in plane on tarmac for such a Declaration of Movement to Higher Realms.
As the above finishes writing, there is more energy as I Understand that energy return as a Green Light for following the thread of Truth (ie as energy in body/mind increases when future memory of heart test Arrives)
Future Memory
By P. M. H. Atwater
There are many different paths to the future.
According to P.M.H. Atwater, one of the foremost investigators into near-death experiences, future memory allows people to "live" life in advance and remember the experience in detail
when something triggers that memory.
Atwater explains the unifying, and permanent, effect of that experience is a brain a "brain shift" which she believes "may be at the very core of existence itself." In Future Memory, Atwater shows that structural and chemical changes are occurring in our brains, changes indicative of higher evolutionary development.
See Look Inside on below Amazon page:
It is TRUTH that I so often live in/of/as “Future Memory” and do NOT even realize it until later….
This “Future Memory” Reality is More Real than present tense reality…no wonder the blank spots we’ve been having as of late…body will continue to “shut down” unless we
Accept/Realize the Truth of “Future Memory”…
in this present segment of life on earth.
This is Robert Johnson’s Slender Golden Threads we have been “missing” until this moment.
5:36 AM-10/3/20
“(Slender threads) are the numinous forces that exist outside our conscious control– sometimes called fate, destiny, god, guardian angel, guiding hand or patron saint.”
More from Robert Johnson here:
(with the above Realization of FUTURE MEMORY taking over more and more)
5:53 AM-10/3/20
5:53 AM-10/3/20
*See Notes/Information
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