...or is it the physical just Fading/Flying away?
All fight has left, leaving only Realized Flight…
Sweet Peace of Homecoming’s Breath
Where there is no death…
The One Eternal Moment
3:37 AM-12/22/16
(OR could just be picking up on man’s condition
which is as the overculture’s increasingly-extreme polarization that is dying…
the lightning leaps.
Suddenly, blinding in its brightness, startling at first,
then quickly slowing to a steady, pulsing luminosity within all things animate and alive,
a powerful glow holds everything evenly, gently in a flowing power,
as slowly, slowly through it,
eternal consciousness flows,
grows, and glows brighter,
burning away the last crusts of separation and decay,
warming, illuminating emerging as a
radiant individuation of love in every healthy human soul.
the luminous biology emerges that can accommodate more
than just occasional visitations from beings galactic and beyond,
biology that can accommodate the gentle descent and awakening of the Star Maker,
the intelligence of the primal unified consciousness field itself,
the Presence whose passing observations create life and whose interest transforms.
on the other side of the psychological process,
entering their lives slowly, gradually,
in a manner that allows them to acclimate gently
to the higher frequencies of my thought.
The psychological process is the gateway into Eden,
the doorway through which my children, my creations,
willful reflections of self return to the garden of my perceptions their
native home.
the loving nature that has brought it into being.
Their delight—and my delight in them—grows forever in appreciation.
And that appreciation evokes creation continuously.
In the awakened state you will learn to use them far more completely
than has been possible in the shadowlands of history.
flows far beyond subjectivity’s closed-circuit experience.
Supported by the infinite energies of eternal love,
playing in the star fields of your own universal being with others of your kind,
you relax fully into the enjoyment of
being yourself.
features that your current stream of art prefers.
By varying the placement of your sensory emphasis,
you evoke new patterns of universal expression,
enjoying an eternal life of infinite variation
Many assume that the coming millennium is to be a period of low technological emphasis;
they are right insofar as the vast abuses of the industrial era are concerned.
But they are wrong in that science and technology throughout this millennium
will come to serve the human race as they have ever done at their best in the past.
They will serve the purposes of creative intelligence in ways as yet undreamt of.
from beneath human genius,
it will be like a ship lifting anchor or a bird taking to the air.
Excerpts from:
“The Fusion of Spirit and Matter”
The Third Millennium
Ken Carey
pp 147-49
See Read More for Additional Waves Crashing Rocks
Ken Carey quotes without photo inserts
the lightning leaps.
Suddenly, blinding in its brightness, startling at first,
then quickly slowing to a steady, pulsing luminosity within all things animate and alive,
a powerful glow holds everything evenly, gently in a flowing power,
as slowly, slowly through it,
eternal consciousness flows, grows, and glows brighter,
burning away the last crusts of separation and decay,
warming, illuminating emerging as a
radiant individuation of love in every healthy human soul.
In this fusion of spirit and matter,
the luminous biology emerges that can accommodate more
than just occasional visitations from beings galactic and beyond,
biology that can accommodate the gentle descent and awakening of the Star Maker,
the intelligence of the primal unified consciousness field itself,
the Presence whose passing observations create life and whose interest transforms.
Thus, my awareness comes to each one who awakens
on the other side of the psychological process,
entering their lives slowly, gradually,
in a manner that allows them to acclimate gently to the higher frequencies of my thought.
The psychological process is the gateway into Eden,
the doorway through which my children, my creations,
willful reflections of self return to the garden of my perceptions,
their native home.
Only the loving perceive my garden, for only they can comprehend
the loving nature that has brought it into being.
Their delight—and my delight in them—grows forever in appreciation.
And that appreciation evokes creation continuously.
Your human bodies in all their rich subjectivity are yours to enjoy.
In the awakened state you will learn to use them far more completely
than has been possible in the shadowlands of history.
Your awareness and the awareness you share with your species
flows far beyond subjectivity’s closed-circuit experience.
Supported by the infinite energies of eternal love,
playing in the star fields of your own universal being with others of your kind,
you relax fully into the enjoyment of
being yourself.
Your body is designed to accent features of the dimensional realms,
features that your current stream of art prefers.
By varying the placement of your sensory emphasis,
you evoke new patterns of universal expression,
enjoying an eternal life of infinite variation.
The Technology of the Future
Many assume that the coming millennium is to be a period of low technological emphasis;
they are right insofar as the vast abuses of the industrial era are concerned.
But they are wrong in that science and technology throughout this millennium
will come to serve the human race as they have ever done at their best in the past.
They will serve the purposes of creative intelligence in ways as yet undreamt of.
When the debilitating assumptions of history are pulled out
from beneath human genius,
it will be like a ship lifting anchor or a bird taking to the air.
Excerpts from:
“The Fusion of Spirit and Matter”
The Third Millennium
Ken Carey
pp 147-49