3:18 AM - 12/29/15
You are no longer 'you'.
You remain established in the inner silence and freedom
without any concern for your welfare
content with whatever comes along -
and life goes on in perfect effortlessness.
Ramesh S. Balsekar
The Net of Jewels
December 29
When you see that you have no control over the results,
you stop worrying about the
and concentrate on the work that is being done.
Ramesh S. Balsekar
The Net of Jewels
December 29
(Another Synchronicity:
The above Net of Jewels quotes were read one hour AFTER
the ew Whisper... at beginning of this Sharing... wrote earlier this morning)
Aliveness is energy.
It's the juice, the vitality,
and the passion that wakes up our cells every morning.
It's what makes us want to dance.
It's the energy that moves a relationship
from the status quo to something grander and much more expansive,
something that makes our hearts beat faster,
our minds and our eyes open wider, than ever before.
Everything is of interest to a person who is truly alive,
whether it's a challenge,
a loving moment,
a bucket of grief,
or a glimpse of beauty.
~Daphne Rose Kingma
Your problems.
Why get involved?
Seeing the false as false is enough.
Wu Hsin
Its own reward.
It is the same with
Being free from
That which is false.
Wu Hsin