...OR NOT…
2:47 AM-8/13/18
First afternoon and night to be
“alone with the Alone”
in the Sanctarii...
...An Asclepeion Vessel
The Alchemy of Youthanasia
as the radiant emptiness of spirit
is to stop seeking something more
or better or different,
and to turn your attention inward
to the awake silence that you are.
― Adyashanti
All your beliefs and constructs.
Dare the wild unknown.
Here in this terrifying freedom,
Naked before the universe,
Commune with the One
Who knows everything from the inside:
Invisible power pervading everywhere.
Breathe tenderly as
The lover of all beings.
~ Vijnana Bhairava Tantra
(Much More on above link)
Bowl of Saki, August 13, by Hazrat Inayat Khan
when every thing and every being
begins to reveal its nature to us.
We do not need to read their lives.
We know then that this wide nature
in its four aspects is ever-revealing
and that one can always communicate with it,
but that in spite of this
it is not the privilege of every soul to read it.
They are in heaven,
but not allowed to look at heaven;
they are in paradise, but not allowed to enjoy
the beauties of paradise.
It is just like a person sleeping
on a pile of gems and jewels.
and he begins to read the book of nature
he begins to live;
and he continues to live forever.
from https://wahiduddin.net/mv2/XI/XI_III_7.htm
Be what you are.
Wu Hsin