4:53 AM-2/19/16
that all six-and-a-half billion of us
are collaboratively dreaming up into materialization.
When we realize this, we can put our lucidity together so that we can co-creatively dream a much more grace-filled universe into incarnation.
This is nothing other than an evolutionary quantum leap in human consciousness, unimaginable until now.”
~Paul Levy
quoted here:
in order to deal with the prima materia of the shadow,
we are simultaneously on the path of ascending to the truly real,
as we become introduced to the higher-dimensional light worlds of spirit.
― Paul Levy, Dispelling Wetiko
Paul Levy
Synchronicities' inherent revelatory nature is ultimately offering us the realization that we are playing an active, participatory and hence,
co-creative role in the unfoldment of the universe.
we act out in the outside world.
empowers us to be creative, co-operative and active partners
in our own awakening process.
The more we are open for synchronicities to happen, the more they happen,
for synchronicities, just like symbols in a dream,
are not separate from the dreamer, which in this case is us.
To the extent we recognize the dreamlike nature of our waking universe
is the degree to which our life is experienced as synchronistic.
Once we become lucid in our waking dream and recognize
that we live in a synchronistic universe by our very nature,
the universe has no choice but to shape-shift and reflect back our realization
by materializing itself synchronistically.
recognizing the underlying synchronistic web
which is always weaving itself through our experience.
This is analogous to how being inside of a night dream
and viewing the dream as if it were a dream
would have the instantaneous effect of allowing the dream
to more profoundly manifest its dreamlike nature.
Changing our perspective within the dream didn’t cause the dream
to become a dream; the dream had always been a dream,
we just hadn’t recognized it before.
Similarly, we live in a synchronistic universe,
and by recognizing this,
we allow the universe to manifest itself more synchronistically.
the consciousness that recognizes the synchronistic nature of the universe and has become lucid in the dream of life,
is something we can turn each other onto and catch from one another.
Synchronistic awareness is the invocation and revelation of the
“eternal presence of the one creative act”
in which we are all continually sharing, partaking and participating.
Synchronistic awareness activates and reproduces itself in and through the field, as it is self-generating in nature,
which is to say it is
birthing itself through our consciousness into the world.
We can co-operatively cultivate a net-work of allies
who creatively collaborate in bringing forth the precious jewel of synchronicity.
The archetypal field becomes greatly potentiated for synchronicities
when we get “in sync” with other people
who are also waking up to the synchronistic universe.
A field which is lubricated for stimulating and stabilizing lucidity
gets conjured up when we get in phase with each other through the shared,
open heart of synchronistic awareness.
Above quotes from full article here
Paul Levy
the outward false-seeing stops,
and what remains is in-seeing....
not seeing inside,
but seeing from within as
the source of all seeing.
The Net of Jewels
Rasmesh S, Balsakar