4:01 AM
the one drags you down into the gutter
and then the other reforms you;
they juggle with words
and you will be lost in their wilderness.
You should never be here too much,
be so far away
that even you cannot find yourself.
– J Krishnamurti
Krishnamurti’s Notebook
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Real understanding does not solve problems, it dissolves them.
November 26
The Net of Jewels
Ramesh S. Balsekar
including spiritual practice,
insures the continuance of desire
and the perpetuation of fruitless effort.
November 26
The Net of Jewels
Ramesh S. Balsekar
is that there is nothing but perfection
in the totality of functioning that is the universe.
Thus, the present moment and whatever it offers
is accepted in total and uninhibited pure enjoyment.
November 30
The Net of Jewels
Ramesh S. Balsekar
Be far away, like the mountains, like the unpolluted air; be so far away that you have no parents, no relations, no family, no country;
be so far away that you don’t know even where you are.
Don’t let them find you; don’t come into contact with them too closely.
Keep far away where even you can’t find yourself; keep a distance which can never be crossed over; keep a passage open always thorough which no one can come.
Don’t shut the door for there is no door, only an open, endless passage;
if you shut any door, they will be very close to you, then you are lost.
Keep far away where their breath can’t reach you and their breath travels very far and very deeply;
don’t get contaminated by them, by their word, by their gesture,
by their great knowledge;
they have great knowledge
but be far away from them where even you cannot find yourself.
For they are waiting for you, at every corner, in every house to shape you, to mould you, to tear you to pieces and then put you together in their own image.
Their gods, the little ones and the big ones, are the images of themselves,
carved by their own mind or by their own hands.
They are waiting for you, the churchman and the communist,
the believer and the non-believer, for they are both the same;
they think they are different but they are not for they both brainwash you,
till you are of them, till you repeat their words,
till you worship their saints, the ancient and the recent;
they have armies for their gods and for their countries
and they are experts in killing.
Keep far away but they are waiting for you, the educator and the businessman;
one trains you for the others to conform to the demands of their society,
which is a deadly thing;*
they will make you into a scientist, into an engineer, into an expert of almost anything from cooking to architecture to philosophy.
Keep far, far away; they are waiting for you, the politician and the reformer; the one drags you down into the gutter and then the other reforms you; they juggle with words and you will be lost in their wilderness.
Keep far away; they are waiting for you, the experts in god and the bomb throwers: the one will convince you and the other [show you] how to kill;
there are so many ways to find god and so many, many ways to kill.
But besides all these, there are hoards of others to tell you what to do
and what not to do; keep away from all of them,
so far away that you cannot find yourself or any other.
You too would like to play with all of the
be so far away that even you cannot find yourself.
– J Krishnamurti
Krishnamurti’s Notebook
* They have a thing called society and family: these are their real gods, the net in which you will be entangled. [Krishnamurti’s insertion in the full text edition]
Find a comprehensive selection of Krishnamurti’s books at the Krishnamurti Foundation Trust website.
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