1:36 AM-3/2/17
that is to say, to feed on solid, liquid and gaseous elements,
and they leave aside the fourth element – fire, light –
the one they most need to foster their aliveness, joy and inspiration,
the one that can bring them fulfilment.
You will say,
‘But how can we feed on this fourth element; where do we find it?’
By watching the sunrise in the mornings.
That is where we learn to eat fire and drink light.
Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov
It is a way of undoing the impressions that you have gathered.
If you can joyfully involve yourself in any activity, that is karma yoga.
If you do it with great effort, only karma will come, no yoga will happen!
is what breaks the karmic structure.
Karma means action.
If action has to become yoga, action should be liberating.
If your activity has become a process of binding yourself, it is karma.
So the question is not about how much activity you do.
How you are performing the activity is what makes the difference.
If you are crawling through your work, that is karma.
If you are dancing through your work, that is karma yoga.
Excellent Full Article here:
It is about an inch in diameter and is the gateway into the ocean of chi.
Around the Hara and with it as the center there is an envelope of energy called the ‘tan tien’. This tan tien is a ball of etheric energy about the size of a soccer ball.
It is filled from the Hara and is often called ‘the cauldron’ in Taoist alchemical texts.
This ball of energy interacts with all the organs and especially the intestines as it is where food is turned into energy.
Energy is taken from the food and mixed in the tan tien or cauldron
before being distributed throughout the body.
Having the Hara open and a full tan tien is vital for real health and vitality.
Unfortunately most people have many Samskaras and energetic blockages in this area
and the fullness that should be felt in the tan tien is absent.
See Read More
after last photos for notes
re: this amazing experience
early, pre-sunrise this morning...3/2/17
you worry too much.
You have seen your own strength.
You have seen your own beauty.
You have seen your golden wings.
Of anything less,
why do you worry?
You are in truth
the soul, of the soul, of the soul.
~ Jalal ad-Din Rumi
for notes
re: this amazing experience
early, pre-sunrise this morning...3/2/17
dmm could have easily told you all of this lifetime that Being Centered was with her at planet entry….so NOT a new concept/state of being….but to STAY Centered thru thick and thin has been a “problem” to put it mildly…
Anyway, you may already know re: this HARA center and how vital it is, but just in case you don’t, we’ll share this with you (Omraam below just in) ….we then googled, and my old friend OSHO came up on Google
Thursday, March 2, 2017
« The radio, the telephone, radar, the television and so on are some of the many practical applications of a single discovery: that waves travel through space.
But why let science and technology be alone in exploiting this discovery?
The waves that allow us to make telephone calls or follow radio or television programmes are not the only ones that travel through space.
There are other even subtler waves;
the air around us is saturated with currents,
with messages we can capture.
For the Creator has placed in human beings instruments that allow them
to receive waves emitted by the most evolved spirits,
the initiates, the angels, the archangels and all the heavenly entities.
So, why stay in communication only with humans,
when all you hear from them is shouting, demands, rebelliousness and threats?
We must make use of the instruments the Lord has given us
(the brain, of course, but also the solar plexus, the hara centre and the chakras),
so that we can communicate with beings more evolved than us.
When we manage to vibrate on their wavelength we enter into their happiness,
their light and their peace. »
Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov
It is about an inch in diameter and is the gateway into the ocean of chi.
Around the Hara and with it as the center there is an envelope of energy called the ‘tan tien’. This tan tien is a ball of etheric energy about the size of a soccer ball.
It is filled from the Hara and is often called ‘the cauldron’ in Taoist alchemical texts.
This ball of energy interacts with all the organs and especially the intestines as it is where food is turned into energy.
Energy is taken from the food and mixed in the tan tien or cauldron
before being distributed throughout the body.
Having the Hara open and a full tan tien is vital for real health and vitality.
Unfortunately most people have many Samskaras and energetic blockages in this area and the fullness that should be felt in the tan tien is absent.
This is the main cause of many addictions especially to food.
Constantly eating and overeating are an attempt to feel full
despite a blocked Hara and empty tan tien.
The Hara and tan tien are very important for the work of Inner Alchemy and especially with the work of Tantric Sex and Inner Power Cultivation.
By following the tantric sex practices in Tantric Secrets
you will quickly open the Hara and become aware of your tan tien.
When God created us, he gave us everything we need to feed our physical body, our heart, our mind, our soul and our spirit.
So, why do so many people feel poor and wretched?
Because they do not know how to take in these subtle elements.
And how could they, anyway?
They cannot see them or feel them, so how could they benefit from them?
All they are able to do is complain: they don’t have this, they don’t have that…
They have everything at their disposal, yet they remain in poverty,
because they are blind, weak and lazy.
They themselves set the limit: they are content just to eat, drink and breathe,
that is to say, to feed on solid, liquid and gaseous elements,
and they leave aside the fourth element – fire, light – the one they most need to foster their aliveness, joy and inspiration, the one that can bring them fulfilment.
You will say,
‘But how can we feed on this fourth element; where do we find it?’
By watching the sunrise in the mornings.
That is where we learn to eat fire and drink light.
Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov
re: solar energy and humans...
..this article
March 2, 2017 · mitchellgibsonmd
just posted 10:05 AM by Dr. Gibson who says:
Take this opportunity to learn these hidden practices and truly evolve yourself.
We have never released solar sexual practices before. Now is the time to learn them.