Shines a Clear Path from Soul to Soul
As One is NOT Glided to swim in some Ocean Breakers....
The Vast Pure Love's Silent Core
Holds the "formless in form" form
beyond the dangers of murderous attacks.....
in/of/as The Stillpoint in Heart's Core,
The same waters eventually
Transform to Bliss Bathing Infusions, Healing & Nurturing.
February 17. 2014
This Love is the Beloved and the Lover.
You are not to make any effort in this relationship.
When you are in front of your Beloved
this Beloved will not ask you to make any effort.
This Beloved will take care of you
and whatever she does you will accept it.
At that time you will not think what is going on
because in Love there is no dialogue.
In Love there is no dialogue, no question, no answer.
Simply both are quiet.
You are quiet and your Beloved is quiet
and something great is about to happen Now.
You have to wait.
When you don’t make any separation
between the Beloved and the Lover
you have found the secret:
That you have never been separated from anything.
This is all you have to do.
Did you get this secret?”
—Sri H.W.L Poonjaji (Papaji)
from the book, THIS:
Prose and Poetry of Dancing Emptiness