ALL photos below from five years ago..
December 20, 2014 - "When I Cast All Dreams Away"
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Entire Month of December 2014:
7:00 AM-12/20/19
*Bernadette Roberts
The Experience of No-Self
pp. 177-181
See Read More below Afternoon photos
for extensive summary via Bernadette Roberts
**A personal in-flesh-form Friend who is the soul of Yogananda
coined this phrase..
...lives FADN as a Way of Life
is absolute, total silence;
there is not a single word in existence
that can convey this communication.
Bernadette Roberts
between self (the still center on the affective continuum)
and God (the still-point)
there is no gap remaining.
What is left is what Is, all that Is
and Its identity
is unmistabkable.
Bernadette Roberts
The Experience of No-Self
page 180
that the falling way of the affective system
was invariably a psychotic symptom.
While I had never heard this before and cannot verify it,
my present perspective is quite the opposite.
As I see it,
the affective system is not only
the cause of every psychological illness,
it is the cause of all man's suffering.
Bernadette Roberts
The Experience of No-Self
page 180
in case we ever meet,
concerning the message
that was transmitted to me
under a pine tree in North Carolina
on a cold winter moonlit night.
so don’t worry.
Everything is ecstasy,
We just don’t know it
because of our thinking-minds.
it is known that everything
is alright forever and forever and forever.
let your hands and nerve-ends drop,
stop breathing for 3 seconds,
listen to the silence inside
the illusion of the world,
and you will remember
the lesson you forgot,
which was taught in immense milky ways
of cloudy innumerable worlds long ago
and not even at all.
I call it the golden eternity.
It is perfect.
we will never really die.
It has nothing to do with the imaginary idea
of a personal self, other selves,
many selves everywhere,
or one universal self.
a mortal idea.
That which passes through everything,
is one thing.
It’s a dream already ended.
and nothing to be glad about.
They never show any expression,
they are like empty space.
will ever crumble away?
but the emptiness of space,
which is the one universal essence of mind,
the one vast awakenerhood,
empty and awake,
will never crumble away
because it was never born.
—Jack Kerouac
You are born with the soul,
but you are absolutely unaware of it –
because of the mind.
The mind never allows you to be in the present.
That’s the reason my insistence on meditation is so strong –
because meditation simply means a method to get rid of the mind.
The moment the mind is not there, suddenly you are in a new space:
so fresh, so beautiful, so blissful.
That is your soul; that is your no-mind.
And once you have entered that space,
that space starts growing around you
and creates a certain energy field.
That becomes your presence of being.
Excerpt from:
Sat Chit Anand, Chapter 19
Full article here:
NO MIND & Being Present...
This work on nondual realization is a detailed report on growth beyond
what may be called the final duality, or what Roberts calls the first of
two distinct and separate movements in Christian contemplative
The first contemplative movement is described as union of the self with
God, where God is the "still-point and axis" of being. In the first
movement, self is not yet lost, but functions as a higher self in its
union with God. The sense of personal selfhood remains. Abiding in God
remains. Being centered in God remains. The divine life remains. God and
self remain.
But in the second contemplative movement, self and God fall away, and
"that" remains. Union with God gives way to God beyond union. The mind
becomes fixed in the permanent now. The self's union with God transcends
"Here now," Roberts says, "begins the journey beyond union, beyond self
and God, a journey into the silent an still regions of the unknown."
So begins the outline of a detailed and revealing journey whose insights
are fresh and capable of nudging a person toward a further
understanding. It is also without reference to Eastern traditions and
vocabulary, which makes it interesting and different.
Roberts describes a quality of silence she had known on occasions, which
was so total as to evoke fear, annihilation, point of no return. Always
she would return to her usual self, warding off the fear through willful
thoughts of God, thus breaking the silence.
One day, however, that silence could not be broken, for the fear did not
come. And so there was no reason to return to the relationship between
self and God.
Roberts simply remained in that great silence.
For 8 days the silence rendered her almost unable to function. There
were moments of exhaustion and near black-out. Every chore had to be
done with great attention to every detail.
By the 9th day, Roberts was able to function as usual, but she noticed a
part of her mind had closed down. She had become emptied of the past and
come to live in the present moment.
Trying to understand that silence, Roberts first perceived it to be a
kind of absorption into God. Then, after a month, she revised her
perception to be one of "seeing", a kind of opening-up, not a closing
She soon discarded that perception and decided to research the works of
John of the Cross. There she found nothing describing her experience.
Coming home that day from the library, Roberts turned her gaze inward
and saw there was no longer a center, no longer a self. There was
emptiness. She felt great joy and lightness with this knowledge. She
decided that this emptiness and joy was Christ. She could live forever
with that. However, further annihilation was in the cards.
download PDF HERE
Also an interview with the author:
excellent synopsis interview with Roberts
Bernadette Roberts is the author of two extraordinary books on the Christian contemplative journey, The Experience of No-Self (Shambhaia, 1982) and The Path to No-Self (Shambhala, 1985). A cloistered nun for nine years, Roberts reports that she returned to the world after experiencing the “unitive state,” the state of oneness with God, in order to share what she had learned and to take on the problems and experiences of others.
excellent synopsis interview with Roberts
further downloads:
The path of Noself
What is Self