Pondered and Held
in the Quiet Virginal Heart
Emerges only Love
Remain Steadfastly Cocooned
in the Almighty Presence
Speaking, Moving and Breathing
only because Divinity Provides the Expression
the Quiet that takes you beyond thought
word and awareness
Is Sufficient
Random Pick
GODSEED:The Alchemy of Primordial Memory
“Language of the Neverborn”
Dorothea Mills/elizabeth walker
3:42 AM-5/28/19
*“Truly I tell you,
unless you change and become like little children,
you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.”
Matthew 18:3
After the petty ego you then give up your life
and bear the calamity.
With this behind you, proceed:
polish the ego's rust from the mirror of your self.
—Fakhr al-Din Iraqi
Love's Alchemy
David and Sabrineh Fideler version
—Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
In this font above from:
The true lover gazes toward the reality of things:
My eyes so fix
upon your image
that whatever I gaze at
I imagine you.
Wherever he looks he finds that Face
and therefore needs everything he sees.
"Poverty is intrinsic need;
it has nothing to do with this or that."
One can only need something which exists.
But the lover, outwardly detached and inwardly disengaged,
has returned the robe of existence and all its trappings
- which he only held in trust -
... Again he has donned the patched cloak of his own nothingness.
"He is ... as he was in eternity-without-beginning,"
and in such a state, who needs him?
wherein the poor man himself needs nothing.
As one of them said,
"The poor man is not is not in need of God Himself!"
Need, after all, is an attribute of the existent;
but he who dives into the sea of nothingness
needs no more.
His poverty is complete.
when you wed the One;
but you are everything
when you become nothing.
~ Fakhruddin 'Iraqi
from Divine Flashes
He figures he came clean from God
as a gift without a reason,
so he gives without cause
or calculation or limit.
A conventionally religious person
behaves a certain way
to achieve salvation.
the circle around the zero! He or she
cuts and throws it all away.
This is beyond any religion.
or any text, nor do they knock on a door
to make sure this is the right street.
They run,
and they run.
Coleman Barks version

There is nothing to ‘fix’ … not in your own life,
humanity’s or the world itself.
Nothing is out of order.
Can a dream be somehow wrong?
It comes in brilliant Light or shadowed darkness but remains ‘only’ a dream.
Your body, your mind, your life experience … is all a dream.
It is not wrong, and you are NOT wrong … you are simply dreaming.
No matter how you tweak your dream
[try to fix yourself and the world],
it is still just a dream.
as if you had watched every movie ever produced,
the allure will have faded and the mind
that projected each dream-experience will also have dissolved
along with the person you call you.
This point of saturation arises for everyone
[who are also aspects of the grand dream] …
‘YOU’ are the only ONE there is
despite enormous evidence to the contrary.
it is YOU who writes them.
Even ‘surrender’ is NOT a choice
but an inevitable aspect of the dream
that tells you dream stories about ‘free will and control’.
You ‘are’ God or ONE or Pure Conscious Awareness – NOW
… the dream you dream cannot change that.
There ‘is’ no possibility of you being
somehow ‘left out’ of this eventual Awareness.
your sojourn within the dream will become softer,
gentler and you will begin to see
God ‘in’ and ‘as’ everything.
Resistance will dwindle to ‘What Is’
and the Moment of full Awakening to Who You Really Are
will ‘rush’ to greet you
with the Love that IT ‘is’.