3:29 AM-6/6/19
*Tara Singh
**Bernadette Roberts
(the above OceanSpeak came up in Google Search this morning
for More from: Tara Singh)
What is silence?
We think if we are quiet, we are silent.
But we must come to silence without desire and wanting,
otherwise we are not silent.
~ Tara Singh
The Voice That Precedes Thought
of God,
we are here
to change the destiny of stars.
is an impeccable space
intact within each one
guarded by His Grace.
It is a Presence.
You attain it not through learning.
it is in remembrance of God.
When you are transformed
the whole world is affected.
you see the perfection in everything.
You are never part of
the idiosyncracies of another person,
for you do not relate at that level.
You relate from a state of love
in which both become one.
- that is a denial of your glory.
Nothing exists in this universe
that is not to serve you.
are upon the person
who wants to discover the perfection
within himself.
“Touched By The Memory of God”
-Tara Singh
Be alone, sometimes,
and if you are lucky it might come to you,
on a falling leaf,
or from that distant solitary tree
in an empty field.
Jiddu Krishnamurti
Mother Teresa
Spring comes, and the grass grows by itself.
Zen poem
because they have learned
it is not governed by the laws the world made up.
It is governed by a Power That is in them but not of them.
It is this Power That keeps all things safe.
A Course In Miracles
Let us have faith that right makes might, and in that faith, let us, to the end, dare to do our duty.
Let us strive to deserve...the continued care of Divine Providence,
trusting that, in future national emergencies,
He will not fail to provide us the instruments of safety and security.
Destroy that spirit,
and you have planted the seeds of despotism
around your own doors.
Abraham Lincoln
than he who reads them,
inasmuch as he who knows nothing
is nearer the truth than he whose mind is filled
with falsehoods and errors.
Thomas Jefferson
to sustain life, we need less rather than more;
to protect life, we need courage and integrity,
not weapons, not coalitions.
Henry David Thoreau
In India some people live and die in hunger.
There, even a handful of rice is precious.
“But in the West you have another kind of poverty, spiritual poverty.
This is far worse....
You have the poverty of people who are dissatisfied with what they have,
who do not know how to suffer, who give in to despair.
This poverty of heart is often more difficult to relieve and to defeat.
In the West you have many more broken homes,
neglected children, and divorce on a huge scale.
Mother Theresa
In India some people live and die in hunger.
There, even a handful of rice is precious.
“But in the West you have another kind of poverty, spiritual poverty.
This is far worse....
You have the poverty of people who are dissatisfied with what they have,
who do not know how to suffer, who give in to despair.
This poverty of heart is often more difficult to relieve and to defeat.
In the West you have many more broken homes,
neglected children, and divorce on a huge scale.
Mother Theresa
Real relationship is not affected
by one person’s agreeing or disagreeing with another.
It is a space beyond likes and dislikes,
beyond good and bad,
where everything is reconciled and seen in a new light.
Tara Singh
Read More Below
Sufi wordings re: Breathing, Speaking and "muni" SILENCE
Longer than that period it cannot work, because it was not wound for it. Breath is like a child's top. According to the strength with which it is spun so many turns the top makes, each turn helping the other, and when the force is expended the top falls down. In accordance with the first breath, so long will life last: so many breaths. By speaking we take away so much of our life. A day's silence means a week longer of life and more, and a day's speech means a week less of life. From ancient times there have been mystics in India who are called muni; they never speak. They have of course other characteristics as well, but they are called muni because of their abstinence from speech. They often have lived very much longer than we live in the present time: three hundred, five hundred years and more. By not speaking the breath is not interrupted, it is regular and even. Mystics have always attached great importance to breathe, and have made its study their first object. Those who have mastered the breath have mastery over their lives; those who have not mastered it are the ones who have consumption, ... https://wahiduddin.net/mv2/VIII/VIII_1_18.htm
Or compare it with a child's top; it turns so many times according to the strength with which it is spun, and when the force is spent the top falls over. In accordance with the first breath, so long will our life last: so many breaths. By speaking we take away much of our life; a day's silence means a week longer of life and more, and a day's speech means a week less of life. Silence is the remedy for much, although of course a person living in the world cannot practice it continually. But he should keep a watch on his words; he should remember that for every word he speaks he will be awarded heaven or hell. In India from ancient times there have been mystics who are called Muni. They never speak, although they do all kinds of other things. These mystics have often lived very much longer than we live at the present time: three hundred, five hundred years and more. By not speaking the breath is not interrupted; it remains regular and even. The mystics have always given great importance to the breath, and have made its study the principal object in their training. Those who have mastered the breath have ... https://wahiduddin.net/mv2/VIIIa/VIIIa_3_9.htm
... Sometimes they may be seen always standing, some with one arm stretched upwards, without moving. As I do not in any way represent the Yogis here, I may say that they have their reasons for everything that they do. By this they gain command of their body. Their thought is that they should rule their body, not be ruled by it. And the body is the first kingdom of God. By this they gain that bliss that is spoken of by Christ. They wear yellow robes, or apricot colored, as you see me wear, or white. Some are always silent; they are called Muni. Of course their power is very great. Some are silent for some hours in the day. Some speak for two hours in the day. There are the Sanyassi, the Vairagi, those who have renounced. They have renounced family, relations, all desires, all that could bind them. They are as much revered by them and more revered than their priests. Shankaracharya, after giving his message with all his great inspiration and power, after his great work of years and years, when the inward wish for renunciation had become very strong, went to his teacher and asked him whether he might now lead ... https://wahiduddin.net/mv2/supp/mysticism_6.htm
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