2:37 AM-11/27/17
"You may become a victim of grave injustices on the part of human beings.
If you are really innocent, do everything you can within to resist.
Never give anyone the opportunity to harm you or destroy you.
Why do you care about what these people think if they are so blind?
Just listen to the judgement of the inner tribunal of your conscience,
the Divinity that lives within you.
Be concerned above all with being clear about yourself,
and always behave with honesty and disinterestedness.
Then, tell yourself that who you are;
your dignity and your honour do not depend on what others think of you.
Your divine nature supports you,
and this should be enough
for you to continue walking with your head held high. "
Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov
my search is to nourish my ego.
Rabindranath Tagore
also here in more detail:
OSHO-Transformation Tarot
p, 150
You will still exist,
but in such a new way
that you cannot connect it with the old.
It will be a discontinuity.
and the new is so vast.
From a small dewdrop
you have become the ocean.
trembles for a moment,
tries to hang on a little more,
because he can see the ocean...
....once he has fallen from the lotus leaf he is gone.
as a dewdrop he will be gone.
But it is not a loss.
He will be oceanic.
The ocean of existence is unlimited.
OSHO-Transformation Tarot
p, 150
you have to disappear.
That's why you don't see many blissful people in the world.
Misery nourishes your ego -
that's why you see so many miserable people in the world.
The basic, central point is the ego..
OSHO-Transformation Tarot
p, 151-52
you have to pay the price --
and the price is nothing but dropping the ego.
So when such a moment comes, don't hesitate.
Dancingly disappear...
...with a great laughter, disappear;
with songs on your lips, disappear.
OSHO-Transformation Tarot
p, 152
One's true nature is
Imperceivable and inconceivable, is
The deepest understanding.
One who achieves this
Does not seek the good nor
Shun the evil.
What comes, comes; and
Sees clearly that, in time,
Everything comes.
There is no one choosing to hear.
There is no one choosing to smell.
There is no one choosing to think.
There is no one choosing to choose.
Wu Hsin
There was nothing
He was attached to,
Nothing he was detached from.
He lost his opinions and
Found his way.
Wu Hsin