November 26, 2012
"I seek that which has been torn from my heart,
and in doing so I stalk the desolate spaces.”
and in doing so I stalk the desolate spaces.”
it is time for us to sheer away illusions of our mortality
and of our place in the space of time.
We are being called by Her to know ourselves as multi-dimensional beings,
unfettered by identification with planets, genders,
or any form that cannot become mutable in the instant.
It is in this summoning that we find
the mystery and fear that has collected about the image of Sekhmet.
She calls upon the soul to release all identification and thus all fear, for to detach from identity requires a massive movement of faith in the essence of the spiritual orientation of the soul.
Like a poultice,
Sekhmet draws from us the contagion
we hold in our identities with half-light memory.
She demands that we see who we truly are, with the full-light spectrum of vision.
To the ensouled human nothing is more confrontational and threatening than this.
To be summoned by Sekhmet into Her initiation
is nothing less that being asked to step into the void, the abyss.
She challenges you in this act, to know beyond a doubt
from whence comes your true source of Light, Safety and Strength. "
full article: