words can describe only what I am not.
I am beyond consciousness and. therefore,
in consciousness I cannot say what I am.
No experience can answer it, for the self is beyond experience.
I am free from all description and identification.
I am free from being a precept, or a concept.
Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj
quoted in
The Way of Wonder
Jack Haas
p. 222
God merely experiences being God.
There is no Knower, only the Great Unknown.
Jack Hass
The Way of Wonder
p. 222
can't know who he really is.
Lao Tzu
The Way of Wonder
Jack Hass
p. 221
Our craving for comfort and outward satisfaction,
our ambition, our desires are nothing but the longing
to experience that dance, as we know it.
Paradise is pictured by every teacher
as a place where there is music and dance.
Music itself is dance,
poetry is the dance of words,
singing the
dance of the voice.
Only when inspiration comes naturally
it is a life coming from the depth of the individual.
Hazrat Inayat Khan
Vol. 14 The Smiling Forehead - Dance of the Soul
–Nayyirah Waheed
along with our busy thoughts.
Imagine if all things that are perishable grew still.
And imagine if that moment were to go on and on,
leaving behind all other sights and sounds but this one vision
which ravishes and absorbs
and fixes the beholder in joy,
so that the rest of eternal life were like that moment of
illumination, which leaves us breathless.
–Saint Augustine
Just sit there right now
Don’t do a thing
Just rest. For your separation from God,
From love,
Is the hardest work
In this
Let me bring you trays of food
And something
That you like to
You can use my soft words
As a cushion
For your
Daniel Ladinsky translation