2:58 AM-1/31/18
*A psychopath’s advice to dmm/ew
years ago that Changed depleting, paralyzing horrors
of the earthly Youthanasia Situation
recognize and acknowledge the key thresholds:
to take your time;
to feel all the varieties of presence that accrue there;
to listen inward with complete attention
until you hear the inner voice calling you forward.
The time has come to cross.
~John O'Donohue
Jeremy Griffith
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As the psychoanalyst Carl Jung recognized,
Man everywhere is dangerously unaware of himself.
We really know nothing about the nature of man,
and unless we hurry to get to know ourselves
we are in dangerous trouble”
(Laurens van der Post, Jung and the Story of Our Time, 1976, p.239 of 275)
who wrote a poem about the human condition, in which he referred to
‘These mountains of the mind and their cliffs of fall,
frightful sheer,
no man fathomed’
(No Worst, There Is None, 1885),
and what he’s saying
is that while we haven’t been able to ‘fathom’ or understand
this great underlying issue of the human condition,
‘these mountains of the mind’,
it only led to the ‘cliffs of fall’ of ‘frightful’ depression.
So we’ve learnt that we had no choice but to leave the whole damn issue
of the human condition alone — just get on with trying to manage
the symptoms of it,
all the aggression and wars and inequality and suffering;
just resign ourselves to leaving that whole underlying issue
of the human condition alone.
he wasn’t exaggerating what happens
if we allow our minds to confront the human condition:
‘When it [our shadow, which is the darker aspects of our nature] appears…it is quite within the bounds of possibility for a man to recognize the relative evil of his nature,
but it is a rare and shattering experience
for him to gaze into the face of absolute evil’
(Aion: Researches into the Phenomenology of the Self, 1959; tr. R. Hull, The Collected Works of C.G. Jung, Vol. 9/2, p.10).
The ‘face of absolute evil’ Jung refers to is
the ‘shattering’ possibility
that we humans really are just a blight on this planet.[email protected]&subscriber_full_name=Dorothea%20Mills#readmore
Rev. Barbara Azzara
This has become my new habit.
When I become agitated, overwhelmed (and I do) I stop,
take a big breath and do nothing.
what is true and what is real?
Sometimes I ask: "where is the love?"
I hear: "do not listen to the voice of fear... stop and listen to mine".
How exquisite this moment becomes.
Focusing on the breath
---my thoughts disappear mind becomes quiet and at peace.
I hear my heart beat and I am still.
hold it and then relax and let it go.
In this moment,
I am with myself, with you, and with G·d.
I remember that G·d created us with his Breath and in His image.
(I read this in the Bible and I know I am also His daughter.)
Let us be here together in the breath ...remembering.
"Unable to perceive the shape of you,
I find you all around me.
Your presence fills my eyes with your love,
It humbles my heart....
For you are everywhere."
G·d is everywhere.
As I have gone through my losses
(and what I experienced sometimes as betrayal)
this last year I turned it all over to G·d.
Whenever I would go into an emotional reaction,
I called on G·d.
I have changed my experiences,
and they are rich and filling.
Rev. Barbara Azzara
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