Jack Hass -
The Way of Wonder
p. 101
but to a landscape of the soul, that Garden of Eden would have to be within us.
Yet our conscious minds are unable to enter it
and enjoy there the taste of eternal life,
since we have already tasted of the knowledge of good and evil.
That, in fact, must be the knowledge that has thrown us out of the garden,
pitched us away from our own center,
so that we now judge things in those terms and experience only good and evil, instead of eternal life.....
....which, since the enclosed garden is within us, must already be ours,
even though unknown to our conscious personalities.
That would seem to be the meaning of the myth when read,
not as prehistory,
but as referring to man's inward spiritual state.
Joseph Campbell
(Myths to LIve By. p25)
quoted in
The Way of Wonder - Jack Hass
p. 101