5:54 AM-5/4/19
It is not up to us to fight, it is up to us to follow.
We have to trust that God not only knows our situation but knows the outcome.
The ability to be still
when everything in you is screaming to do anything but be still
is the essence of faith,
and it is then that we see the greatest miracles.
God is NOT ‘within’ you.
God [the ONE Reality by any name] ‘cannot be contained’ being Infinite and … there ‘is’ no ‘you’ as an individual person - ‘YOU’ … ARE GOD.
The ‘you’ most call themselves is a fiction made up of attachments,
expectations, identifications, memory and imagination
and changes from moment to moment.
This ‘you’ at age 5 is totally different from ‘you’ at 35.
That which most call reality,
which includes your immediate surroundings,
your ‘unique’ world
and the universe that ‘seems’ to be somewhere ‘out there’
is totally dependent on this illusory ‘you’
and does NOT exist ‘without’ you.
All of it is a dream ‘within’ YOU.
being somehow ‘enveloped’
within this ‘made-up’ body-mind-identity called ‘you’,
but this is part of the false self’s subtle trickery
to keep you trapped in the dream of separation.
that ‘sculpt’ the conditioning which
binds you with paper chains
that seem unbreakable.
‘surrounded in Light’
and the concept of ‘self improvement
or self empowerment’
are just a few.
None of these is Real
despite the widespread popularity of them.
[Who You Really Are]
cannot be ‘circumscribed’.
Everything that ‘seems to be’ is ‘contained within’ IT. IT is Emptiness
– Nothing-ness as well as All That Is.
[as the God-SELF]
is as accurate as is possible.
This offers a more precise setting
‘from which’ to observe the grand dream
that you have known as reality for eons
and ‘in which’ you may continue to PLAY in,
Free of the binding illusion
that you are an individual person
with some sort of God ‘outside’.
is available to you in this very Moment.
and we project that psychology all around.
A man of silence finds this whole world is full of silence.
Even the sounds only deepen the silence.
And a man full of noise never becomes aware
of the immense silences in the night.
It all depends on you.
Your world is nothing but you, projected.
In your silence, all questions will disappear.
And the dance will begin, whatever the figure!
Because as far as your inner being is concerned, it has no figure;
it is just a luminous flame which can dance.
It has been eternally there, repressed by you.
You are the greatest enemy of yourself.
My effort is to turn you into the greatest friend of yourself.
and if you are receptive, his vibe starts touching your heart.
You simply go on watching the mind without any control,
without any repression,
and silence comes suddenly just like a breeze,
and with the silence, the fragrance of the flowers
— that is your blissfulness;
it is your own fragrance which
you were not capable of knowing
because there was so much noise.
— tired, exhausted —
you need to relax;
you even let go of the idea of enlightenment,
it is all futile.
In this silence, when there is no desire stirring your mind,
you suddenly find you are the enlightened one.
That enlightenment was not somewhere else,
it was within you.
But it needed utter silence, no desire.
You are a buddha,
but you are not aware of it.
How to make you aware of it?
Down the ages, this has been the way,
and I don’t see there is any other possibility.
You will become aware of it only in utter silence.
But the utter silence, a state of no-mind, a pure space,
needs all your desires to be exhausted.
silence happens on its own accord.
Just as in the deep Himalayas,
where the snow is eternal and the silence almost ancient…
just sitting there under a tree,
you start feeling, falling in tune with the immensity that surrounds you.
To be in the presence of the master is even more deep-going.
No mind
— absolute silence of all thoughts, absence of the mind completely —
becomes the mirror without any ripples,
without even a single fluttering of thought.
And suddenly, the explosion:
you have become aware for the first time of your own being.
What is the beauty of a rose if you are asleep?
Mind is your sleep, concentrated or not.
Meditation is your awakening.
The moment you awake, sleep disappears and with it all the dreams,
all the projections, all expectations, all desires.
Suddenly you are in a state of desirelessness,
non-ambition, unfathomable silence.
And only in this silence, blossoms flower in your being.
Only in this silence the lotuses open their petals.
it arises out of the intensity of your silence.
In fact, the intensity of your silence,
a great silence crystallized,
is truth.
Truth is not something other than silence.
A small silence becomes the door to greater silences,
and finally, the silence itself becomes so condensed
— Gurdjieff used to call it the crystallization —
you find yourself.
In that very finding you have found the truth.
Then life is a sheer joy, a song, a dance, a celebration.
If you really want to express the truth,
don’t say anything about it, just leave the gap.
Let people hear without your saying anything.
That’s the only way truth has always been transferred --
from one silent heart to another silent heart.
In utter silence
is the only possibility to meet, to merge, to share.
and everything else follows on its own accord.
and to bring silence and to bring blissfulness,
and out of this beautiful world of meditation
it is impossible for you to do anything wrong.
So I have changed it completely.
Religions were insisting on action;
my insistence is on consciousness,
and consciousness can grow only in silence.
Silence is the right soil for consciousness
. When you are noisy you cannot be very alert and conscious.
When you are conscious and alert, you cannot be noisy --
they cannot co-exist.
The moment your meditation reaches to the deepest core,
to the very center of the cyclone,
a tremendous silence, peace and blissfulness arise within you.
Grace is the total effect of all these qualities:
silence, peace, love, compassion, blissfulness, ecstasy.
When these things arise in you,
their flame, their fire
starts radiating from your physical body.
They are so much they start overflowing.
That overflowing of your inner ecstasy
is what can be defined as grace.
Impatience is a disturbance in your meditation.
Learn to wait.
Be patient and trust that existence will give
you whatever you are ready for.
All that you have to do is to go on deeper in meditation,
beyond mind into silence.
No thoughts, no emotions, no moods,
just a silent watchfulness and waiting
for whatever existence finds you ready for.
God is NOT ‘within’ you. God [the ONE Reality by any name] ‘cannot be contained’ being Infinite and … there ‘is’ no ‘you’ as an individual person - ‘YOU’ … ARE GOD.
The ‘you’ most call themselves is a fiction made up of attachments, expectations, identifications, memory and imagination and changes from moment to moment. This ‘you’ at age 5 is totally different from ‘you’ at 35. Truth is eternal and never changing. That which most call reality, which includes your immediate surroundings, your ‘unique’ world and the universe that ‘seems’ to be somewhere ‘out there’ is totally dependent on this illusory ‘you’ and does NOT exist ‘without’ you. All of it is a dream ‘within’ YOU.
It is common to hear of the Divine Presence being somehow ‘enveloped’ within this ‘made-up’ body-mind-identity called ‘you’, but this is part of the false self’s subtle trickery to keep you trapped in the dream of separation. There are a multitude of ‘tiny’ phrases and concepts that ‘sculpt’ the conditioning which binds you with paper chains that seem unbreakable. ‘God within you’, ‘the spark of God within’, ‘surrounded in Light’ and the concept of ‘self improvement or self empowerment’ are just a few. None of these is Real despite the widespread popularity of them.
ONE or Pure Conscious Awareness [Who You Really Are] cannot be ‘circumscribed’. Everything that ‘seems to be’ is ‘contained within’ IT. IT is Emptiness – Nothing-ness as well as All That Is. To say that your unique world is ‘within YOU’ [as the God-SELF] is as accurate as is possible. This offers a more precise setting ‘from which’ to observe the grand dream that you have known as reality for eons and ‘in which’ you may continue to PLAY in, Free of the binding illusion that you are an individual person with some sort of God ‘outside’.
This giant LEAP in Awareness is available to you in this very Moment.