5:28 AM-5/29/16
“Come to the freshness of Silence
and it will be the dawn of your life.
Out of that freshness
you will light the world with
peace within yourself
that never seeks.
It is the ever Perfect.
It is the Source of Life.”
Tara Singh
The Voice That Precedes Thought
A Smiling Ouroboros via Ms Google
when searching for above favorite quote AFTER
the predawn Whisper above Arrived...
search phrase: tara singh quote freshness of silence
these two pages come up on first page:
definitely not a way to enhance your perception.
and a thirst for weeds and earth,
as the angel deep within us needs our hands,
to make a dance of all this hurt.
It has us reach beyond our limits,
till we love like a planet though
we’re constantly confused.
We carry lightning
in a thimble of skin and bones and dreams.
We carry everything that matters
in a plan that doesn’t last,
while the stars pulse to fill us,
the way a candle fills a room.
~Mark Nepo
a silence as vast as the universe.
And when we experience that silence,
we remember who we are.
Gunilla Norris
a silence grounded in the great void.
There is something about us
of a piece with the primordial silence.
A silence waiting for God’s speech, for God’s Word.
A silence into which poetry may be spoken,
that poetry being we ourselves: the poetry of our souls,
the poetry of our very bodies.
Br. Mark Brown